Tea and yogurt cakes

I've also had a few big cakes, a big pot, a mushroom cloud, a big pit, and all sorts of painful experiences, and then I've made a whole cake, a cake without water, and it feels very dry, and I've gone through the phase of relying on bubble powder, and I've finally got a good recipe, and I've become a real friend, soft and not dry, without additives, and safe to eat!...


Yoghurt two-tone cake

I've made new yogurt, I'm thinking of making a yogurt stew, with cocoa powder, double flavor, beautiful patterns, and it's delicious. ...


Sponge paper cups and flower cakes

For sponge cakes, this should count as a low-fat, low-sugar square, the amount of sugar has been reduced to moderate sweetness, and is accompanied by a web video screenshot and a step-by-step diagram, so that students can easily and clearly understand the different types of sponge cakes.It's also the first time I've seen flowers on a cake, so let's learn together!...


Flower sponge paper cup cake

Sponge paper cup cake tastes soft, does not collapse or shrink, suitable for use with flowers.The three-dimensional feel of the flowers is enhanced by the Italian cream.The cake is delicious, the flowers are beautiful! Although the flowers are not practiced overnight, but if you just sit down and practice slowly a few times, there will be a noticeable effect, a flower will bloom slowly in your hand, I believe you will fall in love with these flowers!...


DIY sponge cake cups

On the afternoon of the weekend, I started baking at home with my baby, smelling the cake, enjoying it! Making cakes is great, I'm a newcomer, but my baby encouraged me to say: "Mom, flowers are graffiti, we can do whatever we want, no matter what, I like it, because it's the result of our labor!"...


The cinnamon apple muffin

Apple sliced, sugar added 30 g, cooked over medium heat until the apple comes out of the water.
After the applesauce...


Naked cake

My daughter's friend's birthday, she asked me to make her a birthday cake, because she doesn't like flowers, she decided to make a naked cake. ...


Yellow peach milk cake

Moose cake has been made several times, without exception, Moose cake needs soft cream to make the main ingredient for the moose filling, I've been wondering if I can make Moose cake without soft cream, or make a cake that tastes close to Moose, today I tried to make a peach yogurt flavor, it tastes good too. ...


Blueberry mousse cake

Blueberries are a different kind of fruit to me, and you can't tell how delicious they are, but if I were to use a few words to describe blueberries, I would use these three words: mysterious, noble, elegant.I've always wanted to make a blueberry cake, but for some reason, I always get into trouble when I make blueberry cake, it's okay to eat it, but it always affects the photo, it makes me very depressed, and finally I decided to make a blueberry-based mousse cake, the last peach yogurt cake was delicious, but aft...


The Zero Failure Cake

Butter waterproofing melting reserve
Add white sugar to the egg yolk, add a little salt.
Stir for a few minutes....


Sicilian orange cake

It's a very hot little cake, and I've seen a lot of people make it, and it's very popular.Similar to pound cake, the ingredients are simple, but the taste is not at all simple.As everyone says, it's much softer than the usual pound cake, but it's a little thicker, with orange juice and orange peel, with a strong orange flavor.The first time I did it, I didn't add any orange peel, I just added orange juice, I added extra raisins, the milk smelled very strong, the taste was good - I'm also new to baking, although I'v...


Ginger and maple syrup are delicious.

Spread the eggs, add the sugar powder, then add the maple sugar and beat evenly by hand.
Then add the essence of the...
