Margaret of the Lemons

This cookie is simple, it looks normal, it doesn't feel special, but after trying it, I know it's so delicious.The biscuit entrance is improvised, with a slightly salty lemon flavor.The full name of Margaret's cookies is "Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy", and in English it is "Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies".It is said that a waiter fell in love with a young lady, so he made this dessert, and took the name of this young lady as the name of this French dessert. ...


Sesame seeds and crackers

It's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold....


Margaret's cookies

Place the cooked egg yolk on the screen and squeeze the egg yolk with a spoon so that the egg yolk passes through the sc...


Sweet potatoes

The red beans are boiled in pure water for half a day, drained in an electric pressure cooker (if the water is just not ...


Mashed potatoes

Recently, I've been making a New Year's dessert, thinking about making a dessert in a cookie, and in order to make this dessert faster, I used a microwave oven to make a dessert, this recipe is too, the filling is done in a few minutes, thank you so much for sharing the dessert, let's make this delicious little dessert together!...


Lightly creamed biscuits

It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious...


Margaret, this is delicious.

Boil four eggs, peel the yolk from the net, squeeze the powder out with your fingers.
The butter is dissolved into a...


The cookie.

The butter is softened at room temperature and stirred until smooth.
Add salt and sugar powder twice and stir evenly...


Margaret's cookies with cranberries

I've made many kinds of margaritas, and this time I've finally created my own flavor of coconut cranberry margaritas....


Butter cookies that have fallen to the ground

It's made with Tinrry's sweet biscuit squares, and it's really thick, and it breaks when you touch it.It tastes a little bit like a blue can cookie, two cookie recipes in contrast, I personally prefer the round pork royal cookie, I like to eat that one. ...


Belgian carrot cookies

This is probably the fastest cookie I've ever made, 30 minutes to make (including baking).There's no flavor in the caramel biscuits.There's a little bit of bitterness in the sweetness, and even the mother who doesn't like sweets doesn't like it....


Cocoa butter cake

The whole family is short of milk and salt.
The butter is dissolved and the sugar is mixed evenly.
Added salt
