Red dates and eggs

I remember when I was a kid, I used to eat my mother's cake, and I still remember it, and I miss it, and I always wanted to eat it, but I couldn't eat it when my mother wasn't around."One day last year, I called my mother to ask her how she made the cake, and she told me that it was made with rice flour, and it required a lot of processing, thinking that there was no cooking machine in the house, and if she couldn't get rice flour, she would give up the idea of making it."It's been a while since I've tried red date...


Freshly baked - cheese bacon roll

My bread knife is too cooked and not sharp.This is the benefit of buying a big bag of yeast at once, which often motivates me to practice bread.Every morning is accompanied by bread.What's up?...


Yoghurt bread

All the ingredients of the main ingredient are mixed into a dough, mixed evenly, covered and left to ferment to twice th...


Country bread

The required material is measured accurately and separately from the dry and wet material.
The dry material is poure...


The Bagels

The required material is measured accurately and separately from the dry and wet material.
The dry material is poure...


Turtle bread

Three of them....


Santa's bread

This square is suitable for shaping because it does not require fermentation.If you care about the taste, it's better to use other soft bread squares, but it's not conducive to stereotyping, it's nice to play with this square occasionally!...


Healthy raw eggs - minimal ingredients

European bread is characterized by a larger head, heavier weight, darker color, golden-yellow outer skin and hardness; the internal structure of the bread is soft and elastic, without a sponge-like feel, hollow, fine and uniform; the taste of the bread is salty, and the bread contains little added sugar and fatty substances.It is usually eaten as a main dish, and it is customary to eat it after making small loaves of bread into sandwiches and large slices of bread.European bread is very elaborate, often accompanied...


Coconut milk bread - delicious

It's the perfect combination of the two! It's the perfect combination of the two! It's the perfect combination of the two! It's the perfect combination of the two! It's the perfect combination of the two!...


Whole wheat bread for sunflowers

Mix the whole medium in a blender, refrigerate, 24-72 hours.
After removing it, tear it into small pieces, put it in...


Corn on the cob

My son loves to eat bread, and he's always dealing with ordinary round bread, and he's always embarrassed, and today he's flipping the recipe over, and he decides to try a cow horn, and hopefully he'll like it....


Yoghurt and blueberries

Mix all the ingredients of material A into a dough, cover the preservative membrane and ferment to twice the size
