Eggs and butter

This is the amount of 12 30L ovens. ...


The taste of autumn - flowery yogurt mousse

An obvious sign is the flowering of the flower: the whole air is filled with a thick fragrance of flowers, the heart is filled with anger, intoxicating! The flower smells sweet, poisonous, has a healthy stomach, helps digestion, invigorates the blood, calms the sputum, stops coughing, etc., and can eliminate depression, balance the body, mind, emotions, relieve and relieve mental stress!Since the effect is so great, let's enjoy the healthy delicacies of nature in this golden autumn season!...


Cotton cake

3 eggs plus 1 whole egg, stirred in an egg beater to make egg yolk
Add milk, stir evenly and serve.
Heat the mil...


Pumpkin cheese pie

After softening the butter at room temperature, add the sugar powder and mix it evenly, then use the egg beater to swell...


Chestnut butter

It is famous for its clear, multi-layered skin, rich flavor, and soft entrance, which is filled with ice and sweetness, suitable for young and old.The content of vitamin C in chestnuts is higher than that of tomatoes, more than a dozen times that of apples, it is a preservative that supplements the treatment of diseases. Chinese medicine believes that chestnuts have a sweet taste, have a nourishing stomach, a healthy spleen, a strong kidney, a strong waist, a healthy blood, a blood thinner, etc. ...


The simple and delicious vanilla chestnut puff

We often see the image of the bubble in the cake shop, and every time we see it, we want to buy it and eat it with wood... but the bubble that is sold outside is either the outer skin is not crisp, or the inside is too random to bite, and the wood has a happy feeling....


The apple.

Prepare the materials needed to make the leather.
Pour the flour, butter, and salt into a large bowl and mix it (sin...


Pineapple pie

Now the pineapple is no worse than the pineapple, it's not sour, and it's sweet enough to make a pineapple pie....
