Bacon and shellfish salty cake

Recently, due to participating in a baking competition, this period is cake, natural cake is made more, but sweet cake is made more for fear of affecting health, so I started making salty cake.This cake uses bacon and sesame seeds, which taste very fresh, and the oil used is walnut oil, combined with spinach paste, which makes this salty cake very healthy. ...


Vegetable cookies

When it comes to handmade biscuits, most people associate them with self-sufficiency and sweetness, sweetness and sweetness.Today's biscuits are neither sweet nor fattening, but also rich in nutrients.It's a vegetable biscuit, a vegetable biscuit? Of course, the taste is also quite crispy, the first bite captured my heart deeply, the taste is great.It's not sweet, but it smells like onions and carrots.Vegetables such as onions, rich in flavor, love love death, hate hate death.In fact, it is very popular in Western ...


Flower cheese fish belly crispy

I'm so stubborn, the sausage is made by me as a biscuit ingredient, the taste is so strong, after baking, the house is filled with the smell of cheese, I'm drunk.Only 10 grams of sugar are used in this dish, and those who don't like sweets can try it.It's really the best sausage I've ever eaten, a mixture of cheese and fish meat, which is rare in Korea. ...


The biscuit bar

Low flour, pepper powder, salt, sugar, baking powder, mixed together for backup.
Tomato sauce, oil, mixed together f...


Vegetable cookies

When it comes to handmade biscuits, most people associate them with self-sufficiency and sweetness.Today's biscuits are neither sweet nor fattening, but also rich in nutrients.It's a vegetable biscuit, a vegetable biscuit? Of course, the taste is also quite crispy, the first bite captured my heart deeply, the taste is great.It's not sweet, but it smells like onions and carrots.Vegetables such as onions, rich in flavor, love love death, hate hate death.In fact, it is very popular in Western cuisine, it is featured i...


It's not like I'm going to die.

It's nice to make a little tea with a cup of honey flower tea, it's nice....


Vegetable cookies

It's really too lazy, too lazy, the photo has been in my phone for a long time, it hasn't been uploaded, I even wanted to delete it... I hesitated, I don't know when the next time I'll have more motivation, so I'm still holding on to my lazy cancer... This recipe is yours, I like it because it's low in oil, I like the smell of onion spray, this biscuit is made twice in total, the first time it's a little thick, but it's not very thick, the bottom half is thick, the top half is not completely thick, the second time ...


Black beef stew

Today's dish, beef sauce is used to flavor the black pepper steak sauce, marinated and fried into meat sauce, also used to add color to the flavor, the dish is made by children who love to eat, one eats a big plate.There are many benefits of eating more beef in winter, beef contains rich proteins, amino acids, etc. Nutritional kitchen, can improve the body's resistance to disease, is especially suitable for the growth and development and post-operative rehabilitation of people in terms of supplementing the loss of ...


Thousand layers of meat pie

Add water to the flour and disperse with chopsticks while stirring;
After the dough is kneaded, the dough is boiled ...
