Chocolate toast

Water, eggs, corn oil, red sugar and table salt are placed in the bread maker's bucket.
Add flour, milk powder and y...


Soft black sesame toast bread is super healthy for the kidneys

The baker first adds the liquid part of the recipe, adds the eggs, and this egg of mine goes after the shell 55 grams.


Mixed grain sesame pie

In this day and age where everyone is paying more attention to nutrition, eating more coarse grains is good for health, both adults and children know that.So not only do many families grind their own soybeans, but they also grind all kinds of grain soybeans in different ways.It is inevitable that there will be leftover soybean meal, but soybean meal is particularly rich in nutrients.So don't throw away all the soybeans that have been ground at home, they can be used to make breakfast cakes, cakes and bread, etc. .....
