The Soufflé

SouffléShuffle! It's really fleeting! I've done the setup of the photo with mental preparation in advance, the result is eye! Look! People have already succeeded in collapsing! But the taste is amazing! You'll fall in love with it after the first bite!...


This is the first time I've seen this kind of thing in my life.

The butter is called 18g and the insulating water is melted into a liquid (the water doesn't need to be boiled, it can b...


Rainbow cake

I've always loved the tall, thick rainbow cake, and I'm an eight-inch model, and every time I bake it, it's thin, and this time I've improved the recipe a little bit, and it's thicker, and it's so soft, and it's as colorful as the rainbow!...


Pizza with seafood

Homemade pizza has become a fashion, and making delicious pizza with your family is also a pleasure.This unique seafood pizza is made with shrimp, mussels and fresh cod, and is especially popular with families....
