Hamburgers and New Orleans roast chicken legs

I used to love hamburgers when I was a kid, but I've rarely eaten them since I started losing weight, because fast food hamburgers are really high in calories, but I haven't eaten them for a long time, and sometimes I miss the taste, so I make them myself....


Whole wheat toast

I love baking, but I'd rather have a healthy family, in Europe and the United States, it's recommended to eat at least half a whole grain cereal, and our newly issued dietary guidelines also propose to eat part of a whole grain cereal diet, so this whole wheat toast is the best breakfast staple, in order to change the rough taste of whole wheat, it's made with whole wheat, the finished product is very soft, whether it's eaten directly or made into sandwiches, it's great!...


Creamed coconut bread

Prepare the dough and mix.
Mix it into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film and put it in a refrigerator at 5 deg...


The bread.

The bread made using the Chinese method is not only soft, delicious, fragrant, sweet, soft, and delicious.It's easy to make a cute Mickey Mouse model and sell the best Mickey Mouse bread, and my son loves it!...


Chocolate bean bread

This is a small, soft bread full of chocolate, soft in taste, simple in ingredients, not only with cocoa powder but also with sweet chocolate, so that you can warm up with this energy breakfast pack in this cooling season. ...


Cinnamon apple bread

That day I saw the cinnamon apple bread made by Master Tao, I liked it very much, so I tried it once, it tasted really good! A whole bread was almost made by one son, the little guy even said it was good to eat, it tasted so unique! This bread uses a way similar to braiding, it wrapped the good apple pie in it, without a trace of leakage.The smell of cinnamon is strong, it can dispel the cold, the apple is soft, whether the two belong to the absolute we dare not judge, only after the first try, I think it's wonderf...


Milk bread

The son wanted to give his friend a hamburger made by his mother, and in order for the hamburger not only to taste like his mother's, but also to be more beautiful than the usual hamburger, he made a special cassava sauce to decorate the surface.It's a different feeling when your son sends someone. ...


Christmas wreaths

I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I almost forgot about it around Christmas.It's a good thing it's not too late to remember.He struggled between making a large bouquet or two small bouquets, and finally decided that two were better: one for himself and one for someone else.It is feared that the expansion of the dough will fill the hole in the center, and the name of the bouquet will not match.It's like all the molds in your hand are too big.Suddenly, these two little glasses of wine are very good.The...


Christmas tree bread

In the blink of an eye, it's almost Christmas, and this month, following the pace of the baking class, I've made three Christmas-related food items: Christmas cookies, Christmas cupcakes, and this Christmas tree bread.It's hard at first, whether you've done it or not, but as long as you put your heart into it, you'll get a satisfactory result. ...


Purple toast

Purple mashed toast, high-quality and delicious!...


Money rolls

There are days when you don't have to make a loaf of bread, a lot of times it's basically handed over to the bread machine, sometimes you make a loaf of bread by appointment because it's too late, it's so convenient, it's so careful, it gives people more reasons to be lazy.I don't remember the mood at the time, I just remember that the finished product was a success, and the color was very popular.As for the name of the money roll, I don't know why it's called that...Maybe it's because of its golden color, maybe it...


Money rolls

There are many varieties of bread, with different flavors.There are European-American or Japanese-style filled breads, sweet breads, and breads made from rye flour, wheat flour, millet flour, brown rice flour, and corn flour.In the past, bread was made with mashed potatoes and purple potatoes.This time with pumpkins, it looks golden.I have an appetite. ...
