No basic bread, simple and quick to fill the house with wheat flour

Comrades playing baking on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread, comrades playing on bread.The biggest advantage of this dish is that it uses simple ingredients, it doesn't take time, it doesn't need a baking machine, the development of the dough is completely left to the yeast to do; the dough can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks.The dough that is refrigerated overnight tastes richer, and the parents and countrymen who ar...


Cheese bread

Suzhou cheese bread has been popular among friends for a long time.Everyone else has done it, but I've been slow to react to this explosive product, and I've used the Chinese method, and my mouth feels softer.Curry cream cheese, it's better to have a drop of cheese... come back and taste it......


Goldfish bread

Yeast, salt, sugar, water, cooking oil turned into powder in water!
The mashed dough is covered with a preservative ...


Honey bread

Yeast, water, salt, sugar, cooking oil are mixed into the yeast juice, poured into the flour, mixed into the dough!


Onion salad wrapped

The yeast, water, sugar, salt, and oil are mixed into a flour in the yeast water, which is then kneaded and fermented to...


Sandwiches and rye bread

The yeast does not need to be completely dissolved.
Add high flour and rye flour, stir until dry and wet evenly with...


Chocolate banana pound cake

I've made banana cakes before, although they look nice, but they taste sour, and then I found out that bananas aren't fully ripe.This time I'm going to do it with bananas, I'm going to do it with bananas....


Zero Failure Gingerbread House

The main house has a roof of 18*8, the secondary house has a roof of 9.5*6*5.5, the secondary house has a roof of 10.5*6...


Chocolate chip cookies

Various crushed finished materials, if the walnuts are raw need to be roasted first, this is the first roasted corn.


The crispy cranberry biscuits

Butter, added sugar, salt, mixed evenly
Add a little carrot jam, sieve into a low powder, and stir evenly
It's p...


Black pepper fried salmon

Slide the salmon over and fry the other side.
Add a moderate amount of black pepper and fry for two to three minutes...


Fresh shrimp pasta

Boil the pasta in water for about 12 minutes.
Pulling out cooked pasta for backup
Round tomatoes cut into small ...
