Two-colored bread flowers

Ingredients: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 grams of starch dry yeast 2.5 grams of starch milk 145 grams of main dou...


Cheese and cranberry flowers

Raw materials: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 g starch dry yeast 2.5 g starch milk 110 g starch cheese 75 g main dou...


Bread with coconut milk

All dough materials, except butter, are placed in the baking machine, the flour is dug, the yeast is buried, the baking ...


Beans and flowers

Preparing the raw materials;
Remove all the raw materials from the butter, stir into a lump, and when the dough is s...


Blueberries without words

Preparing the raw materials;
Remove all the raw materials from the butter, stir into a lump, and when the dough is s...


Milk and tea toast

Recently, I've been addicted to making toast with a bread maker, and today's toast is a big one, it's all crazy, the top of the toast is on top of the machine lid, the appearance is completely destroyed, although it looks a little ugly, but it doesn't taste, it's super soft, it doesn't taste like anything in the mouth, so as long as the taste is good, I think it can be ignored, the feeling is a little big, the next time it's reduced to 300 grams of flour, it shouldn't be the top.I've made this toast in the oven bef...


Cinnamon rolls

This bread is high in fat, high in sugar, high in calories, and friends who are losing weight should eat it carefully.I don't like cinnamon, but to make bread is so high in fat, the smell is imaginable, the key is the sugar, take a bite, the sauce sounds, I just love the taste.Six plates are too crowded, but I'm worried that the two plates will be uneven, so don't worry about what you sell, good food is the way to go.Besides, it's not only heavy in taste, it's a bit heavy in appearance. I've seen some cinnamon roll...


Rye bread

I've never really understood the meaning of cutting.I just like the layered feel of the scratches after baking.I can't always figure out the depth of the cut.Every time I use a knife, I'm always careful, I'm afraid it's too deep and too shallow.It's always hard to find the right size.It wasn't until three pieces of rye bread swelled up in the oven that I realized the meaning of cutting.Watching them expand under the heat, the skin tenses more and more, as if a balloon full of gas is still constantly expanding, expa...


French Rye Bread

Set two: French rye bread made from 100 grams of flour, with only 9 grams taken to make a second yeast.It only takes 4.5 grams to make half a loaf of rye bread.A finger-sized yeast that allows the second dough to become light and fluffy after a long fermentation of 15 to 20 hours...The amount of rye flour used is the largest of the three types of bread.The darkest color of the dough.The original has three flavors: walnut, dried almond, and raw.Cut the portion in half and make only two, the walnut and the raw.Perhap...


French Country Bread

The third set: The longest wait for French rural bread.It has undergone five fermentations.From the first fermentation of 1-3 hours; to the second fermentation of 15-20 hours; entering the main dough, fermenting for 90 minutes, then fermenting for 45 minutes after exhausting, before entering the final fermentation of 70-90 minutes.The most enduring rural bread...The use of vine baskets for final fermentation seems to be the characteristic and hallmark of rural bread.The vine basket gives the bread a step-like circu...


Italian Chabatta bread

Looking at the recent solar eclipse, the temperature has risen, some are panicking.Observe the thermometer, at noon on a sunny day, the room temperature can still be maintained above or below 25 degrees, hurry up and complete this Italian Chabatta that needs to be fermented for 15 to 20 hours at 22-25 degrees.The special shape resembles a shoe, as described in the book.It doesn't feel like a shoe at all.How can a shoe not have an opening? That shape is more appropriate than a shoe, rather than a foot.I made a piece...


French bread

The bread book goes to the back, and the questions are heavy.French bread, if you just look at the original French bread, you won't feel any problem.However, there are two changes that follow it closely.If you only look at these two changes, there will be no problem.However, the question arises whether the fermentation conditions of the yeast species are refrigerated or at room temperature? Basic French bread, with a detailed process and steps for making the dough.After making the liquid, it is covered with a prese...
