Vienna cocoa biscuits

This is delicious.Why? It tastes good, and it's good to eat with it, so I'm just going to hold this can of cocoa beans and wait for you to give me a bottle of it. ...


Margaret's entrance is a small cookie.

A large collection of basic materials, 2 tablespoons of cooked egg yolk are used to form the end of the egg yolk by pres...


Easy-to-make - wheat flour cookies

Butter and sugar powder are mixed and applied by hand in one direction until the color turns white and the volume is not...


Chestnut heart-shaped cookies

The sugar powder and salt are mixed evenly after the butter has been sifted through the sieve, and then fully stirred.


Flaxseed and mint leaves calcium salt soda biscuits

This soda cake, specially made for the elderly, is of course also suitable for all groups of people, without sugar and crispy.I've tasted two of them myself, and they're really good, and they're comparable to Tai Chi Soda, but Tai Chi Soda can't find flaxseed.The mint leaves are freshly picked, the mint seeds are sprinkled on the balcony, the leaves are pruned, the inspiration comes suddenly, it's better to make a fresh mint leaf soda, the mint leaves are washed and used as a backup. ...


Soft biscuits

The butter, sugar powder, and salt are mixed until they are fluffy.
Add the eggs and stir evenly.
Add low-fat fl...


Onion and soda biscuits

Preparation materials, there are no dried onions at home, so I cut the onions, baked in the oven 150 degrees for less th...


This is the first time I've been able to do this.

The sugar + oil + salt is placed in a plate and beaten with a manual egg beater until the sugar is completely dissolved;...


Lemon cookies

This cookie tastes crispy, sweet and sour, not greasy, has a lemon flavor, and is suitable for small cookies in summer. ...


Sesame milk and biscuits

This little cookie is crisp and tasty, easy to operate, and perfect for beginners....


Margaret's cookies

It is said to be a beginner's biscuit baked in the entrance, the ingredients are simple, but the taste of the biscuits is good, the entrance is very soft, the flavor is rich. ...


Coconut cookies

Butter softening and sugaring
Add the coconut juice and stir evenly.
Low-fat flour and dried coconut kernels
