Danish biscuits

Cut into small pieces of butter, softened at room temperature (in winter it can be waterproofed) and dispersed at low sp...


Shaped biscuit - Roman shield

The origin of the cookie is unknown, but it is known to have come from a bakery called Andrew's, and the unique cookie was very popular when it was launched, and is said to be expensive but still sells well.I like to make something different, so in addition to the basic oval-shaped oval-shaped, I made two different shapes, ha ha, you can play as you please, baking is a joy in itself, let's have some more fun!...


Salt and pepper cookies

This is a great recipe for a second-hand soda cookie.I've done it three times, and each time there's a new change, a new attempt, but it's always delicious.Soda biscuits contain sodium bicarbonate, which balances the acidity of the human body.The disadvantage is that eating soda biscuits increases sodium intake, increases blood pressure, increases swelling, so salt must be reduced. ...


German Christmas cookies

Put the butter, sugar and salt in the container and stir evenly.
Spread the eggs and stir evenly.
Low-fat flour ...


Margaret, please.

Butter softened with sugar salt without scrambling the egg yolk is not sent directly to the mixer, in the sieve into the...


Onion and soda biscuits

Cut the onions into small pieces.
Oven 150 degrees for 7 minutes.
The ingredients of the dough and butter are mi...


Heidegger made a cake.

Prepared ingredients: 100 grams of low-fat flour, 1 grams of yeast, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 4 grams of seaweed, 25 gr...


The toast of Madagascar's vanilla

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


Sugar cookies

There's a slight difference in the taste of sugar cookies and ordinary fine sugar, there's a smell of sugarcane, welcome to learn with me, and welcome to join the Haikou Baking Academy: 390204035 We have an online exchange platform for 10,000 people to communicate and learn, hurry up and join!...


Light cheese cake

If you're alone on your birthday, make a cheesecake to celebrate your birthday....


Fruit and cheese tower

Fruit cheese tower with spring weather and beauty. ...
