What is the meaning of the name?

Materials: low powder 120 grams and 45 grams
70 grams of milk, 50 grams of white sugar, 50 grams of butter, 50 grams...


Light cheese cake

"Many of my friends around me, despite waiting in line for more than an hour, had to taste it, and one day a student handed a piece of Uncle Cher's cake to the little wolf, and it tasted really good, but the cheese didn't taste good, after all, it was light cheese."Afterwards, Little Wolf searched the Internet for recipes for various cheese cakes, including heavy cheese, light cheese, and today we bring you a 6-inch light cheese cake, a bite of fine details, a moist, soft touch, an entrance feeling accompanied by t...


The fragrance of oranges

It's orange season, let's make an orange cake together. ...


Cabbage and jelly cake

I've always hated this cake too much and didn't bother to make it.While some people's attention is turned to the cake, the next one is eager to make this cake full of oil and see if it is pleasant.I started with two, expecting to taste one.I didn't expect to find a good sample on the table, but soon there were only traces of it.And the rest of the cake was asked to be finished as much as possible, and if he didn't get a bite, he ate the leftovers from the edges of the cake.But what's left of this corner is to grab ...


The Tiramisu Cup

Valentine's Day is coming soon, so let's start with a dessert that symbolizes love - tiramisu, only for the most beloved.Whether you are single or in love, I wish you happiness in life.Speaking of tiramisu, there's a beautiful love story behind this dessert.There are many versions circulating online, but the more warm version is that an Italian soldier is about to go to war, but there is nothing left at home, he loves his wife in order to prepare dry food for him, he makes all the biscuits and bread he can eat at h...


Love the cake rolls

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and may all the people in the world who love each other live happily ever after!Friends who can make colored cake rolls can use this special day to make a beautiful cake roll for their loved ones....


Strawberry Napoleon

The strawberry is the most direct fruit for expressing love, not only because it is shaped like a heart, but also because it tastes as sweet as a couple in love. ...


Swiss fruit rolls

The cake is light and soft in taste, and there are no strawberries in the house, so the color is a little monotonous, plus some strawberry garnishes will definitely be more colorful.In addition, due to the use of canned water, the amount of sugar has been greatly reduced.There is no sugar in the cream at all.The sweetness is enough.If you especially like sweets, you can add 10 g of sugar to the cream. ...


Light cheese cake

The cheesecake has its own unique smooth and simple appearance, like a treasure in the palm of your hand.If you get close to its interior, you will be instantly melted by its delicacy, and you will be immersed in it for a long time.This recipe for a 6-inch cheesecake is highly recommended by me, and I suggest that friends who like cheesecake try to bake it themselves!...


What is the name of the city?

From time to time, there will be mascarpone cheese in her shop, which she usually doesn't pay much attention to, and then she thought that she should make tiramisu this time next year, so she booked two boxes with her."And then, as the end of the year got busier and busier, the goods were tight, so there were no more fresh goods coming in, so that the little girl had foresight, we prepared a few boxes in advance for our own use, although the date was not fresh enough, but the quality of the goods was no problem."We...


Mini chocolate paper cup cake

What is the taste of love? Is it bitter? Is it sweet? Is it sour? For me, love is the taste of today's paper cup cake, sweet with a hint of bitterness and a hint of acidity... After two or seven years of loving you today, I love you and I love you, we are still together....


Light cheese cake

There's no crack, there's no collapse, it's just that when I took it off, I accidentally put a knife in it and broke it.It's been a long time since I've had cake, and I've been thinking about it, dragging my uncomfortable body, and I've been working hard, and I've made a cake and a cookie.I don't think I'll be ready to touch the oven for a long time.I don't usually think about it without eating it.Handmade cakes are comparable to all kinds of grandparents, all kinds of uncles, aunts.Maybe that's why it's good to co...
