Pumpkin and walnut dough

I like pumpkins, not because of their nutritional value or taste, but because of their color.Food made with pumpkins always gives a bright feeling to the eye, so brilliant that it's hard to put it down......


The tofu madeleine cake

I like West Point, but I don't like butter milk, it's sweet and it's refreshing, there's no shortage of it, what can I do?...


Banana and chocolate muffins

Bananas peeled and pressed into clay with a spoon
Spontaneous powder, cocoa powder mixed with sieve
Spread the e...


Karina, please.

The canard, which was popular in Paris in the 18th century, originated in Bordeaux, and its earliest appearance is unknown.It is said that it was the introduction of Pierre Hermé that made Canarés popular again in Paris.It has a black crispy skin and a soft pudding inside.It smells like milk, it's a little bit chewy, it's a little bit sticky, some say it's like an egg milk pudding, some say it's like a macaroni. ...


Santa's little cake

There are a variety of cakes in the culinary world, do you think it's heartwarming? But what can you do without an electric egg-breaker? With an egg-breaker, you can't make protein?If you're moved, then move!...


Lemon sponge cake with sponge

Sponge cake is a cake that needs to be learned to make, it tastes soft and delicate like a sponge, beginners sometimes struggle without a mold, in fact many kitchen utensils at hand can be used to the fullest, paper cups, silicone cups, and Mark cups are the molds for baking sponge cake, this small cake, I made a slight change, adding apple paste, the taste is better...


Banana cake with rapeseed oil

The recipe comes from the baking classroom of the teacher, and most of the recipes use rapeseed oil.So how can you not try to make a cake with flaxseed oil? ...


Strawberry box cake

Now the most popular cake is the fruit box cake, which is actually a small four-rolled cake, and the original cake roll is made in the form of a box, and it's convenient and hygienic to eat one box at a time, and it's really comfortable to eat one box when it's hot....


Bacon and potato muffins

Try this little cake with mashed potatoes and onions, the slightly salty and slightly spicy flavor will give you a different taste!...


Tea and honey bean cake rolls

It's been a long time since I bought matcha powder, I've always wanted to make a matcha cake with cream, I've been lazy, I think the process is more troublesome, I've been putting it off! Yesterday I came home early from work, so I started again... the sun is warm, one enjoys this beautiful quiet afternoon!...


Tea cherry flower heart-shaped cake

In the summer, make some matcha cake, which is both visually and tastefully smaller and fresher, not too sweet.Will some of your friends have this problem, that the baked matcha cake is not beautiful enough, not green enough? Today I'm going to teach you a very simple trick to solve the problem of not being green.Try again and again! The bottom of the cake doesn't have any tricks, so the color of the bottom is a little yellowish, and the color of the top is beautiful! Newly bought heart-shaped mold, super useful, u...


Fruit tower

Preparation of Tapi materials.
Pour all the ingredients into a preservative bag, tighten the mouth of the preservati...
