Waterless honey cake

Gratitude is the foundation of love and goodness, and although we can't become perfect people, at least with gratitude we can make our lives more beautiful and fulfilling.So move on! Be the one who loves you or loves you!...


Low-fat red date cake

Dried dates are cut into small pieces and boiled on the stove with water.
Add a little soda and stir.
Add red su...


Cranberry tea, almond tea and marmalade

"Powdered screening, butter waterproofing melted into a liquid, drawing a little butter on the Madeleine model"
The ...


Carrot and lemon cake

It's also the first time I've tried to make a cake with a baking machine, and it's fun and convenient, it used to be that baking cakes should be done in the oven, but now it looks like there's more than one choice!...


Cherry paper cup cake

The amount in the recipe can make six paper cup cakes, which is the square of an ordinary butter paper cup cake, plus cherries and then explode many times....


Sweet cranberry cake

Vegetable oil is best used with tasteless oils such as soybean oil, corn oil, do not use special oils such as peanut oil, olive oil, otherwise the cake will taste strange. ...


Corn on the cob

Peel the pumpkin, cook it, press it with a spoon while it's hot, add sugar and stir.
The berries are washed and bake...


Small cakes with jam and honey

My friends brought me honey, and I wanted to make some honey bread and cake, and the bread I made today, and I wanted to make a record....


Summer - Sweet Madeleine

Put the eggs in the pan.
Add sugar and stir evenly.
Add honey and mix evenly
Prepare the lemon pudding, scra...


A special flavored cake - a fashionable house pie

Once you encounter baking, it's a rhythm you can't get rid of.This two-week vacation is all about making desserts, drinking tea, good books, good tea, good desserts, and wasting the day on good things.Because of the baking, I started to live a really slow life, cultivating flowers, cultivating grass, cultivating mood. ...


French crispy cake

Add honey, it's moisturizing, and it smells like honey, and it's delicious.The cake paste has no oil and is not easy to melt.The most important secret to the crispness of the cake is that the cake is coated with a layer of corn oil, and the sprinkled sesame makes the top of the cake crisp. ...


Cake with blueberry sauce

Separate the egg yolk, add 15 g of sugar powder, butter, milk (yogurt and fruit juice can also be used) to the egg yolk ...
