Cranberry red sugar muffins

The muffin is not the softness of a sponge cake, it's not the crispness of a biscuit, but it's a basic zero-error cake, where the cake juice is poured into the muffin cup and then baked in the oven.Muffin is a transliteration of the English muffin, mainly the American muffin and the English muffin.Most of the American muffins that are encountered in everyday life are pastries that are baked in paper cups after being stirred with wheat flour, colored butter, or buttermilk, etc. The English muffin is a round bread ma...


Tea and honey red beans

The cake has always been popular at home, and with the fresh aroma of Japanese matcha and the slightly sweet taste of red beans, it is the perfect flavor. ...


Banana cake

This is a very simple and delicious cake that beginners can dare to try, with almost zero failures!...


A small cake made entirely of paper

It used to be the favorite of the whole family, but it hasn't been baked for a long time, because I feel that cakes can only be made for snacks, people at work don't have enough free time, there is time for baking, bread is a regular item, that is, you can snack, and you can have breakfast full, one or two can lift.Two days ago, when I was talking to my colleagues about making cakes, I was reminded of a memory that I had almost forgotten, the days off from work, digging in the corners of the cupboard, looking for c...


Fruit cream and flower cake

I've been practicing a few cakes lately, and I've finally gotten used to it, and I'm so happy that I've got this simple fruit and flower cake!...


Strawberry and mango cake

Thanks to your support, I was able to make a naked cake, and the beauty said that if I needed less cream, then this cake would be just right, simple and delicious!...


Milked cherry flower cake

The cherry blossoms, when they bloom, are so enthusiastic, elegant and pure, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle.Salted cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that have to be changed repeatedly in the middle of boiling, boiling too little time will have a faint salty taste, and you can't use hot water bubbles, hot water bubbles will fade the color of the cherry blossoms, so be sure to remember to boil in...


Barbie cakes with sugar

Baking is about breeding your heart.Cute is a state of mind and a good response to life, and this Barbie doll is a continuation of that spirit, or cute or cute or fashionable, used for baking, will bring a bright surprise to your cake. ...


Fresh cream cake

The thick cream-flavored cream cake -- it feels pretty simple -- maybe because it's squeezed into the mold, it's squeezed too little -- it doesn't feel too thick -- but the light cream -- it's super favorite!...


Carrots and salt

Eat more sweet cakes, let's have a salty one to change the taste! Today's stew is made with carrots, you can also make it for children who don't like to eat carrots, you can't eat it at all. Oh! The cake is made with gold dragonfish rice oil, rice oil is not like peanut oil sesame oil.A single grain of rice contains only 5% of the pulp and germ of rice, and in this 5% of the pulp and germ of rice, 64% of the nutrients of rice are contained. However, as the rice is processed, these nutrients are lost and not used by...


French ham and cheese cake

When you don't know what to do for dinner, mix the most basic ingredients that you always have at home into flour and eggs, put them in the oven and wait less than an hour for the seemingly high-quality French ham and cheese cake to come out....


High-fiber oatmeal banana cake

Recently, this cake has become a new favorite in my family.I've made it several times, and it tastes very good.The cake smells tempting while it's still in the oven.The sweetness of the banana and the crispness of the walnuts are combined seamlessly.Due to the addition of whole wheat flour and oatmeal, the flavor is thicker than the traditional one, and the multiple flavours bring a whole new experience to the taste buds.It tastes really good, it's not good, you only know it when you try it.Whoa!...
