Rice cakes with two colors

It's raining heavily today, suddenly the internet is super slow, I can't post food, I can't comment on the blog, I'm bored, I can't do anything, I'm still making my cake, I have a lot of cake materials in stock, I want to find something to decorate, I can't find it, I'm depressed.Or continue my version of the rice cooker, the whole egg is done beautifully, the part of the egg still doesn't feel perfect, just make the part of the egg, or the double color.It's a special game. ...


Basic cakes

It is mixed with olive oil, milk, salt, and fine sugars until it dissolves in sugar.
Sift into low-strength flour, c...


Rice cakes

My first successful cake.I'm afraid I'm going to fail, I'm only going to use half the ingredients in the recipe, and even if I fail, I'm not going to waste that much.Success is a big part of it.It's not perfect, but it's worth remembering. ...


Sponge cake in a rice cooker

3 eggs, 100 grams of low-fat flour, 30 grams of corn oil, 30 grams of honey, 30 grams of fine sugar, 30 grams of milk


Sponge cake

The raw material is ready as shown.
In it, the cow forgot to take a picture.
Put three whole eggs in a bowl with...


Mango mousse cake

I don't know why I don't like making cakes more and more.Afraid of the trouble of the mousse cake, afraid of the complexity of Charlotte's filling, afraid of this and that, so we have 'Mango mousse wearing Charlotte's coat'. ...


Chocolate cake

If you want to eat a cake, buy a set of cake ingredients, even a one-time mold, save time, save effort, make it simple, mix the ingredients together, it takes less than an hour and a half from start to finish, and it's very, very delicious!...


Taste the macaroni

Of course, spring is also the best season for making macaroni, as the spring climate is dry and the surface of the macaroni is easy to peel.This is the key to Makaron's appearance in a beautiful dress.I make raw macaroni, which is charming even without the filling.It's not as sweet as I thought.The two pieces are glued together, and the bite is very crisp.The crispy shell is moist and chewy inside.Macarons (also known as macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroo...


Pumpkin cheese cake

Steam the pumpkin for 140 grams, peel the pumpkin from the eyes, nose and mouth.
The cheese is softened at room temp...


It's called lemonade.

Preparation of materials
Put the eggs in the container.
Stir evenly.
Add sugar powder in turn.
Add the l...


Nuts and brownies

Brownie's been wanting to make a snack.The first time I made it, it wasn't good, it was a little overcooked.Brownie has to have a melted flavor to be good to eat, and today's one feels good, and it's thick.If you don't have walnuts, replace them with cashews, they're still fragrant. ...


The two-colored angel

This is the second time I've made angel cake, and angel cake doesn't taste very soft, so I don't really recommend it....
