Cherry mousse cake

I remember an old song that said, "Cherries are good to eat, hard to plant, hard to work, hard to bloom"...I've never planted a cherry tree, so I don't know if it's hard to grow, but it's not fake.I've eaten a lot of cherries this year, and I've made cherry sauce, but I've never really made cherry mousse, but this time I tried it, and I understood that it's hard work, it's hard work, it's hard work, it's hard work. ...


Strawberry shortcake

Strawberries, a fruit that I'm very fascinated by, I like its beauty, I prefer its sweetness.Every year, I cherish the strawberry season, and in addition to buying more, I also like to use it to make other dishes.Strawberries, known in Germany as the miracle fruit, because of their heart-shaped appearance, bright red, juicy flesh, sweet and sour taste, not only fragrant and pleasant, but also rich in nutrients, are the rarest color, fragrance and taste in fruits, so they are often known as the queen of fruits.Combi...


Paper cups decorating cakes

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, it's too hot, I don't usually make too big a cake, I can't eat it easily, today I caught up with my husband's birthday, I baked a small paper cup, simple decoration, one by one, I saved the trouble of cutting the cake, it's also a birthday, it's not the size of the cake, it's the intention. ...


Low-fat yogurt cake

This yogurt cake is characterized by being oil-free, with relatively fewer calories, but for weight loss MM, I'm sure you'll love this delicious low-fat dish!...


Fruit cakes from the Virgin Mary

The raw materials are ready for use.
The dried fruit is cut into small grains.
After mixing the low-powdered van...


Electric rice cakes

Preparing eggs and flour
Pour the egg yolk into a bowl without water and add a little salt.
It is boiled and pou...


Street painted cake rolls

Occasionally, I make a colorful cake roll and play with the two children in the family.It's very exciting to put your favorite drawing on a cake roll, although it's a bit of a hassle, but it's a lot of fun! This flying cake roll needs five colors, so it's more of a hassle....


Yoghurt cake with berries

Material A mixed → manually stirred to light yellow → white sugar completely melted.
Material C is stirred evenly.


Joba paints a roll of cake

I've done this kind of cake roll many times, and each time I've changed the soup instead of the medicine, the square and the method of operation are basically the same, the only difference is the pattern on the cake roll. It's not the cake itself that motivates me to do this kind of cartoon cake roll, but the cartoon character on top....


Sponge cake

Sea sponge cake, a very tasty quick hand cake, is also relatively easy to make, you can also send it directly without dividing the eggs, the success rate is very high, it is a good choice for beginners!...


Purple potato mousse cake

I've always loved the taste of purple potatoes, and the first time I made a mousse cake, I still chose it, with its delicate flavor and light aroma. ...


Striped cake rolls

It's the end of summer, the hot summer is over, but when the autumn tiger comes, it's even hotter, this weather, no matter what you do, you sweat all the time, this weather, everything feels worse, the baby looks at the cake rolls of a local cake shop, I looked at it, it's the color of the green cream cake rolls, this green color, looking at it in this weather, is really a bit attractive.But we don't eat the N-plus cakes outside, we go home and make our own peace of mind cakes, and, I use spotted oil, natural dyes,...
