Cake in the middle

When I was a kid, I used to love to eat cake, and there was no jam in it, and there was a jar of jam in my bedroom, and I tried to make a jam jam cake, and it was a surprise....


Sesame red sugar wine stew

It's a bunch of wine grains, I don't know how good they are.After sighing, I suddenly thought of making a stew, putting the last white sesame, and solving it together.In fact, it's just a matter of turning the muffins into steam.It is said that wine can make blood, and red sugar has the power to replenish blood.The combination of the two is probably good for replenishing blood.The color of the red sugar is not particularly dark, and the color after steaming is much lighter than expected.It looks like a sticky rice ...


Sesame and almond cake

I'm very fond of this cake, and under my influence and recommendation, many of my friends have fallen in love with it.It's an oil-free cake, and then the real O fails.It's not a burden to eat.There are also many styles that can be combined with it, such as cream, biscuits, fruit, and candy.Different accessories create completely different flavors and flavors."I think I'm really in love with it."It smells like it doesn't have any oil, I like it very much, and then according to my family's taste, they all like dry an...


The Virgin of the Sacred Heart

It's the most convenient way to make it, you don't have to take out the film, you save time and effort, it's very suitable for breakfast, you can bake it in the evening and bake it the next morning....


Cake in the middle

When I was a kid, I used to love to eat cake, and there was no jam in it, and there was a jar of jam in my bedroom, and I tried to make a jam jam cake, and it was a surprise....


Waterless low-fat cakes

The cake is simple to make, but it tastes great. ...


Milk and sesame cake

The butter content of this small cake is heavier, and the taste is more like a pound cake than a muffin. During baking, a lot of butter can be seen, but by the time it is finally formed, it is completely absorbed by the cake, so the surface of this cake has a crispy taste, while the inside is soft.Tomatoes suggests that this cake should be eaten while it's hot, and that it's better to eat it when it's cold....


Black sugar cake from the lake

Penghu black sugar cake is a Taiwanese specialty cake made with black sugar, glutinous rice flour, and flour as the main ingredients.It is the most classic cake with a dark sugar flavor, which is both convenient and easy to make yourself. ...


Sesame cakes

How can there be so much white sesame seeds?In fact, sesame seeds and sesame seeds are classic nutritional delicacies.It's just that sesame seeds are overlooked in everyday use, and soybeans are rarely used.A little bit of sesame cake with a label on it might be more eye-catching, right?...


Fresh shrimp cake

Preparation materials: washed cucumbers and carrots, sifted, shrimp head, shrimp line peeled into shrimp kernels


Pressure cakes

This is a cake that doesn't need an oven, and without an oven, it's just as good as boiling under pressure.And you don't have to adjust the temperature and the time, and you don't have to worry about whether you're going to put it in the middle or the bottom, you just have to put the mixed cake in it.It is available after 40 minutes. ...


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...
