No butter and no sugar

Eggs, corn oil, sucrose mixed evenly, (this step forgot to take a picture), add low-fiber flour and skim milk powder, th...


American oatmeal cookies

Stir the butter until it is soft, and then add the sponge sugar.
Add the eggs in steps 1 and 2 and stir evenly.


Soft biscuits

The butter, sugar powder, and salt are mixed until they are fluffy.
Add the eggs and stir evenly.
Add low-fat fl...


Chocolate and nut cookies

After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and start stirring.
The butter and sugar can be mixed evenly withou...


Oil-free banana and oatmeal cookies

If you want to eat biscuits, but you're afraid of the oil, you have to mix the ingredients you have at home and bake them....


A healthy low-fat, low-carb biscuit called cranberry walnut pie

This type of biscuit has a casual shape, the taste is not crisp and belongs to soft cakes, but the egg flavor is thick, rich in layers, very good to eat.The powder in the recipe can be used entirely with low powder, or it can be replaced with fifty grams of oatmeal, which is also very tasty.The most romantic lion...


Chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are one of the most common baked goods in American households.It is said that many Americans have childhood memories of baking chocolate chip cookies with their mothers and grandmothers, and that scene, how warm, is enough to show how popular these cookies are.Of course, the taste of this biscuit varies from family to family, because some people especially like to eat chocolate, some people like the taste of mixed nuts more; some like the crisp taste, some prefer soft biscuits more, so each f...


The banana is crisp and crispy.

Let's go! You can make cookies with all kinds of powdered ingredients at home, and putting them in not only adds to the flavor of the cookies, but also extends the shelf life of the cookies, and it's a win-win... O( ⁇ _ ⁇ ) Oh haha~ have a good day!...


Sweet biscuits

The ingredients are ready, the salt and sugar can be put together, the other flour can be put together.
No powdered ...


Walnut cookies

It's a delicious and nutritious nutcracker that makes you want to eat it all the time....


Nuts and crackers

Prepare the necessary ingredients, soften the butter at normal temperature, bake the beans in the microwave for about th...


Sweet walnut crackers

Red sugar refreshes the blood, walnuts strengthen the brain, and makes them into biscuits, which not only refreshes the brain, has a crispy taste and a walnut flavor in the mouth, but is even more appetizing! The red sugar used here is the red sugar commonly found in supermarkets, which has a high moisture content, and will have large crystals.So it should be sifted before use.Because of its high water content, it is not easy to filter.I figured out a way to pour the red sugar into the plate, pick out the big piece...
