A little fresh spinach.

I especially like the color of the tea powder, but because I don't like the taste, I haven't done it, I accidentally saw a cook's spinach stew, I tried it, I didn't lose to the tea, I edited this recipe for you.A square is a measure of six inches, eight inches times two. ...


Cranberries and coconuts

I have a good friend, an old classmate, and a girlfriend from that year.Because I love to do little things, I often give her a little bit, today I made a special coconut ball with dried cranberries to give to her, in the thick coconut smell to eat a sour sour sweet dried cranberries, it feels great.Add half a lemon juice, chew in your mouth, and you'll have a faint lemon scent, which is richer than the pure coconut.I'm sure she'll like it. ...


Protein crackers

Next time, moms, try this egg crispy cake! A small egg crispy cake, one or two egg crispy can be made oh, specifically for you to solve the problem of leftover egg crispy, it's really nice!...


Egg fingers and pies

I like this cookie because it's nutritious, it's economical, it's low in ingredients, for working mothers like us, who want their children to eat well, who want their children to eat fast, who want fish and palm trees at the same time!...


The zombie cookie

This week has already entered the month of September of the lunar calendar, so it's the birthday of the month of September, so shouldn't we do it again? This week is the 5th, that is, the 10.31th, and the annual Halloween is coming, although it's a Western holiday, but it's really very nice, lately it's everywhere under the shadow of fog, is it a harbinger of the coming of the demon monster?...


Wheat germ and sesame seeds

I've been buying a lot since I found out about the benefits of wheat germ, but there's only a three-month shelf life, and I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it, so I'm going to try to consume it, today this little snack is my own creation, I've improved the protein coconut silk ball a little bit, I like to eat it with a bite, there's a surprise, the last time I tried the protein coconut silk ball, I just found out that it's good to eat, it's cool, it's hard, but I don't like the taste of so much coconut silk, and...


Quick and easy almond butter

Softened butter
Add 2 eggs and sugar to stir evenly
Playing evenly
Added almond powder
Mixed evenly


Tiramisu is a must-have finger cake.

Authentic tiramisu has two things in common: finger cake and mascarpone cheese.Because of the high cost of mascarpone cheese, many merchants in the market use cheap cheese instead, so they often can't eat good tiramisu, so if you want to eat good and authentic, you have to do it yourself.And the finger cake is another soul of tiramisu! The square of tiramisu finger cake today is still very useful, but when the sky is empty, add another one.Looking at the big picture above, almost every finger cake is the same, whic...


Eggs and eggs

The taste of childhood, the children's favorite...


Electric bells - sugar cream cookies

It's very common to bake all kinds of cookies in the oven, but have you ever tried to make them with an electric cookie?...


Cranberry protein cookies

Cranberry protein biscuits, if there is no cranberry added, are protein sugar, very sweet.But after mixing the sour and sour cranberries, the sweetness is moderated, making the whole dish more harmonious. ...


Protein is fragile.

Every time I make something, I don't know what to do with the remaining protein, and all of a sudden I see that I can make it crispy, so I try to make it, I didn't think that this crispy protein is super delicious, it's cooked well, it's crispy, it can be eaten as a snack. ...
