Hungarian milk stew

This package was stolen from the flower girl's grandmother (the flower girl's recipe was posted in the diary).It's been stored for a long time, and I haven't tried to make it, for two reasons: one, it's a Chinese bread, and the whole process takes hours, and two, it's too high in sugar, and since I learned to bake it, my weight has been skyrocketing, and this high-sugar bread is usually avoided.Later, when I saw more and more people making this bread, I couldn't bear to live in the May Day holidays.The result was q...


Olive oil white toast

Grind the intermediate material into a uniform flour-free dough (keep 30 ml of cold water in advance and add slowly afte...


The pineapple bag

Healthy bread has to be made by yourself, and although it doesn't look good with any additives, it tastes absolutely good, and most importantly, it's reassuring....


Round cream packaging

All the ingredients are mixed into a smooth dough and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours or at room temperature to ...


Old bread

Old-fashioned bread, is the product of the emergence of bread, with the development of the era, the types of bread are endless, very many, but old-fashioned bread has not been eliminated by society, but has become the most delicious taste in the memory of many people, simple and happy, many pasta enterprises have always adhered to the old-fashioned flavor of old-fashioned bread to meet the needs of consumers, no exception.The practice of old-fashioned bread has also become popular among many consumers, who are tryi...


Cheese and mashed potatoes

It is used to make soups.
Mix all the ingredients of the soup into a moist dough, put in the refrigerator and refrig...


Hot dog bread

This loaf of bread is rich in fat, so it is easy to remove the membrane, the dough after removing the membrane is very soft, so you have to be careful when shaping it, because the dough is soft! In summer, it is recommended to put all the liquid materials in the refrigerator and refrigerate them and then take them out, and when mixing the dough with the baking machine, it is best to turn on the air conditioner or open the fan to help cool the air, this is to avoid the yeast from fermenting early in the process.The ...


Whole wheat bread

From the teacher of love and freedom, the soft bread is very good, the bread is between the soft bread and the soft bread, the outside is chewy, the inside is soft, the filling is fresh, don't miss the soft bread that I like, the original filling is made from a mixture of masulila and cheddar cheese in a ratio of one to one, I don't have masulila cheese, and the masulila itself tastes light, so I put bacon, which is another flavor...


Cabbage bread

Many of my friends have made good bread the night before for breakfast the next day, the method of heating plays a role in maintaining moisture, the bread made the next day when breakfast is also soft, the practice is also very simple, at the beginning of making bread, I also encountered the problem of filling the flour with flour due to the different water absorption of the flour, keeping it in front of the bread machine, relatively speaking, the difference in the water absorption of the flour will also affect the...


Honey red sugar

Medium ingredients and finished dough are packed in fresh bags and refrigerated 12h-72h.
I refrigerated for 40 hours...


The Big Egg

I'm a big fan of bread, and this is a copy of it....


Old fashioned bread

The recipe is love and freedom, and it's also a combination of cooks, and I think it's really good for people who don't usually like to eat bread....
