German bread made by French masters - 66% black wheat walnut figs

About fourteen years ago, in the piano room of the music department, I met two boys, one who called himself grunge, the other who called himself heavy metal, and as a student of the fine arts at the music department, I also listened to nirvana, and I listened to PJ Harvey or Metallica, but the word rock was a cool, unapproachable world to me, and at that time, in my eyes, there were two kinds of people in the music department, one who listened to the rules, who listened to the rules, who listened to the rules, who ...


Two-tone honey bean toast

I've always thought that tea and beans are incompatible, so I've learned the formula for love and freedom, which is the direct method, and because I like to compare the softball and the feeling of not eating it, I've changed it to the soup method.Soup dough consumes some energy in the process of making it, so I make some more every time.I use a 225g mold for my toast, because I'm always afraid I won't finish it, so now I'm going to make it smaller, if I use a normal 450g mold, I can multiply all my ingredients by t...


Whole wheat toast

I love baking, but I'd rather have a healthy family, in Europe and the United States, it's recommended to eat at least half a whole grain cereal, and our newly issued dietary guidelines also propose to eat part of a whole grain cereal diet, so this whole wheat toast is the best breakfast staple, in order to change the rough taste of whole wheat, it's made with whole wheat, the finished product is very soft, whether it's eaten directly or made into sandwiches, it's great!...


Creamed coconut bread

Prepare the dough and mix.
Mix it into a dough, wrap it in a preservative film and put it in a refrigerator at 5 deg...


Old fashioned bread

Referring to the practice of other masters, I improved the recipe myself, because on Monday I didn't have time to stay at home all day, the dough was fermented using the refrigerated fermentation method, the bread was soft, and the lace was good. ...


Castor toast

The ingredients are mixed, stirred, then heated over a small fire, and stirred continuously with an egg beater.
Mix ...


Caterpillar bread

The ingredients of the soup are poured into a container, heated to a paste, cooled and refrigerated for two hours.


Watermelon dishes

Mix the ingredients needed for the soup and stir until there are no particles.
The water and flour of the soup is sl...


German Alkaline Bread

The most common shape of the German alkaline water bag is a knot, which is said to have been invented by a German priest based on the posture of holding hands in prayer.Bavaria is a very pious Christian nation, and even when you say hello, you don't say, "Good morning", you say, "Hello, God".For the Bavarians, the great pleasure is to sit in the beer garden under the blue clouds, drinking homemade beer and eating Brezel. ...


Grapefruit and milkweed

It's very beautiful, it's very elegant, it's very elegant, and it's very delicious. ...


Handmade toast

Medium ingredients: high starch flour 105 g low starch flour 45 g refined sugar 12 g yeast 3 g water 120 g
Stir even...



Cold water in summer and warm water in winter.It can't be more than 30 degrees, don't destroy the original perfume!...
