What is the name of the city?

Tiramisu is the representative of Italian dessert, Tiramisu in the original Italian, Tira means tequila, Mi is me, Su is up, combined means pull me up; there is also another interpretation that takes me away and remembers me, takes away not only deliciousness, but also love and happiness.Tiramisu is divided into hard-bodied and soft-bodied versions, the hard-bodied version has fish paste or fish film to help solidify, it does not soften too quickly at room temperature, it is usually made with a round mold; the soft...


Chocolate mousse potato cake

The cocoa powder is heated and the water is absorbed into the cocoa paste.
Egg yolk separation
Add 50 grams of f...


Mango and cheese cake

The next day, my daughter's birthday, for various reasons, she didn't eat a bite, she didn't have any taste, but when I thought about it, she was still happy when I suddenly gave it to her in the morning. She thought no one would remember, in fact we all remember, " this doesn't surprise you "!!...


Bag of sprouted walnuts

The recipe comes from making bread with love and freedom, it's 205 grams of bread flour, no whole wheat flour, then it's red sugar, because I don't have red sugar at home, I use fine sugar, it's 160 grams of water, 50 grams of walnuts.In the process of baking, the smell comes out, the water flows out of the mouth......


The sunflower bread

I've made many kinds of flower bread, but this is my favorite.Large loaves of bread are soft and sweet.This is a pattern I learned in a baking book, and the bread is a crispy bread.After a few experiments, I still preferred the softer bread, so I adjusted the recipe, and at the same time I used the meat pine for the filling, the nutrition of course is a step higher, while the sweetness of the meat pine is combined in the bread, a bite, the taste is long. ...


Castaway packages

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine and processed for 20 minutes.
Add butter and continue...


Purple potatoes on the bread

I've been obsessed with making bread lately, and it's the first time I've learned to do it, and I've recorded the steps and the mood that I've made, and even though it's not perfect, I've received unanimous praise from my family, which is a tremendous comfort to me.My favorite thing to hear is, "Good food, good food, good food!" and then confidently continue on to the next bread trip......


The Temptation of Bread

The material other than butter is put into the bread maker, the liquid material is put in first and then the solid type ...


German Alkaline Bread

The most common shape of the German alkaline water bag is a knot, which is said to have been invented by a German priest based on the posture of holding hands in prayer.Bavaria is a very pious Christian nation, and even when you say hello, you don't say, "Good morning", you say, "Hello, God".For the Bavarians, the great pleasure is to sit in the beer garden under the blue clouds, drinking homemade beer and eating Brezel. ...


Pumpkin toast with face yeast

The face fermentation method is a very old method, when making pasta leave a piece of good dough, let it ferment, the next time this dough is mixed with warm water and mixed into the new material, it can ferment, although the speed is slower, but the effect will be better than yeast flour.It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese food has been the essence of Chinese food for thousands of years. The people eat it as a matter of course, fermented food is nutritious, tastes soft and easy to be absorbed by the intestin...


Bacon and cheese packages

The old-fashioned bread of Love and Liberty, which I'm sure all the baking sisters have made, had to be accompanied by the man who created this magical recipe in the first place.Taking a deep breath into the bread, the typical sour taste of the old-fashioned bread immediately filled the entire nasal cavity, and was transmitted to the brain cells at the fastest speed, so that the mouthful brain cells of the uncles shouted in unison: "Thank you, this is the taste of the bread I loved to eat when I was a child!"When I...


Cocoa crisps and snacks

This is a small meal pack with red sugar and cocoa powder because it's a high-temperature steam baking, so the outer skin of the bread has a slightly crispy taste, but the inside is very soft, the surface is very thick, the patterns appear, the meal pack adds a different flavor, in fact, the favorite is the banana leaf baked pattern....
