Fresh shrimp rice

How can you make a meal nutritious and fast? You must try to cook it! Cooking is not only simple, but you can also put your favorite ingredients.This time we made broccoli shrimp rice, not only beautiful in color and appetizing, but also rich in nutrients, the mineral content of broccoli is more comprehensive than other vegetables, the content of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, etc. is rich, much higher than the same cabbage flowers belonging to the cruciferous family.Shrimp contains 20% prot...


Olive shrimp

The wheat is washed and dried.
It is cooked with pure water for about 25 minutes until the moisture is completely ab...


Fresh shrimp, vegetables and potatoes

Wash the four-color vegetables and cut them into small pieces.
Potato slices are cooked in a pan, extracted with the...


Gilly shrimp

Remove the head, skin, legs, and tail of the shrimp, remove the black lines from the back, wash it clean, cut the back t...


Italian seafood soup

Shrimp to the shell to the intestinal line; fresh shellfish cut in half by size; cooked in rolling water and retrieved


Fresh shrimp fan salad

The fans are cooked in boiling water, pulled out and dipped in ice water, and the dried water is placed in a large bowl....


Wine and shrimp

The choice of shrimp should not be too small, there are about 20 shrimp per kilogram.
Some of them can be removed by...


Seafood dishes

Green pepper chopped silk; crab meat chopped for spare parts.
It is cooked with olive oil, chopped onions, placed in...


Cucumbers and shrimp

Clean up the big shrimp, pick out the sand lines, open the mouth of the shrimp from the back;
Chopped garlic, then f...


Fresh shrimp and potatoes

After washing the potato slices, cook them in a pan, sift them with a spoon, and grind them into potato paste.
Add s...


Fresh seafood and onion soup

I've been obsessed with Western food for a while, and now I actually like it, but I'm too interested, so I've been dragging it around, dragging it around, and I haven't done a few dishes yet.Suddenly it doesn't matter what you do, the important thing is not to stay where you are, step number 1.2.1That's all there is to it.Do you make Chinese food, baked goods, Western food, snacks?Love more and more now busy life all this, let me love from the heart, every day busy to the point of exhaustion but still smiling to sl...


White seafood pasta

The flower clams are soaked in fresh salt water, let them spit out the mud sand, and then cleaned to control the dry wat...
