Orange juice and yogurt

Separate the egg yolk and the egg yolk and put them separately in two clean, oil-free, water-free egg-making pans, add 1...


A small cake with whipped cream

I did a lot of research, and I found out that it's easy to make, and when I made it, I found out that the amount of eggs is especially important! Because some eggs are very small, and if you don't have enough protein, it's easy to make them.I don't have a kitchen scale.I made it with a measuring cup, a measuring cup, a measuring cup, a measuring cup...But after this experience, I decided to do it myself....


Super soft cake rolls small four rolls

Red dates are often forgotten at home, so they have to be cut into small pieces and put together with raisins to make a happy cake roll, hiding all the nutrition and deliciousness in breakfast. ...


What is the name of the city?

Anyone who loves sweets will not be unfamiliar with the name Tiramisu.This dessert of Italian origin, as if by magic, the flavors of various materials are seamlessly intertwined, giving a complex and inexpressible taste experience.In Italian, "Tria" means , mi means I, su translates upwards There's another explanation for taking me away and remembering me and coming back.There are several versions of the origin of tiramisu, including many beautiful love stories.And a master who graduated from the Ecole de...


Chocolate mousse with four leaves

First, make the shape of the cake.
Egg yolk separated from protein.
The egg yolk is opened, mixed with water, an...


Original flavored cake

I don't know when it started last month, but it didn't work, it collapsed, and I remember doing it a few times before, and it didn't collapse when I first got in touch with it, it just shrunk in a hurry, and then I saw it now, and I knew how imperfect it was.It's because it's not perfect, so these two months I haven't done anything, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking ...


8 sizes of sourdough cake

Mom's favorite cake, and in order to avoid the risk of external additives, she finally decided to go next....


It doesn't collapse, it doesn't crack.

All materials are ready.
Prepare two bowls and separate the eggs.
(There can't be water in the egg yolk bowl)


The cure is bread - cranberry berries

It's called thinking about the past, crossing the river, and looking down at the mountains.We slept together, listened to the autumn rain, and enjoyed each other's cold.It's that everyone, in their own seats, is shaken by Richard, but can never really be close to each other.Even if you've been practicing for a hundred years, you can't sleep with the ship, you can only listen to the sound of the autumn rain, it seems that the warm fragrance of the jade ears rubs together, but at the end of the moment you turn your b...


6 inches of cake

Separate the egg whites and then put the egg yolks together with the buttermilk (to prevent the egg from coagulating)


A sour taste on the tip of the tongue - a tea cake roll

Cake rolls are a favorite dessert of many people, especially its soft, soft and tender feel, which is simply unforgettable, then mixed with bright-eyed cranberries, the whole finished product is soft, sour and sweet, but not very delicious.You can try it, as long as you follow the right steps, it's not difficult to make a good cake roll....


The classic Chihuahua cake

It is a basic cake, and many flower cakes use it to make cake embryos.The steps are simple, they're delicious, but they're easy to crack, and when the cake cracks into the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, it's really enough to drive you crazy.I'm worried about the level of my cake, which has different degrees of cracking each time, but still has an irresistible taste, the square is not perfect, just for reference. ...
