6 inches of cake

Weigh the ingredients according to the recipe!
Prepare two bowls, without water or oil, separate the egg yolk and pr...


Barbie's bubble bath cake

Today is my birthday and I made myself a cake....


It's called black pepper.

When I made this cake, I put the cake in the oven and baked it in a nervous mood.But every time I bake, I'm successful.This cake also doesn't use butter, so eat more and you won't get fat....


The cranberry cake

Put the egg yolk, the clear water, the oil, the low starch powder in the same deep dish and stir into a smooth egg yolk ...


Stuffed walnuts

Walnut butter, originating from the court cooks, who exactly? No one can answer.But the practice has been passed down from generation to generation.The housewives, the new brides, they're practicing, they've got boards, they've got eyes, they're like models.Its main characteristics are dry, spicy, crisp, and sweet.In fact, it's more fun for the elderly.Going home for New Year's Eve, bringing a homemade delicious peach cobbler to the elderly, without saying a word.The elderly do not lack food and drink, they lack th...


Walnut butter

The last time I made a peach pie with walnut meat, it was very popular with the elders, so I made some more for the elders last night.This is made by crushing walnuts into walnut powder and mixing them into flour to make them crisper and taste more like walnuts.And this cake is one of the bridesmaids' cakes in our village.When I got married, I bought it at a bakery for a dollar each.I did the math last night, and it's probably going to cost four or five bucks a piece (assuming this cake is the same size as the one ...


Strawberry cake

It's strawberry season again, strawberry cake is made! I've made two or three cakes before, but the power of this flower and the flattening is still not enough, I can only cover the ugliness with finger biscuits, I use your cousin's square!...


Strawberry cake rolls

I remember a long time ago, I was trying to paint a strawberry cake roll, but it didn't work, my eyes were about to expire, so I tried to paint a cake roll, although the strawberry shape was still lacking, but the baked cake roll was one of the most successful ever, and I loved it myself. ...


Afternoon dessert - tea cake rolls

I like the fragrance of matcha....


Fruit and vegetable birthday cake

Add the egg yolk to the pan, cut the vanilla pods, scrape the vanilla seeds in, and gently stir evenly.
Add fine sug...


A simple and easy-to-make eggnog

The children love to eat egg yolk, and recently they found this simple, easy-to-make, healthy and delicious recipe in their mom's breakfast, and they shared it with everyone. ...


Italian cream cake rolls

The body of the cake, the protein, and the egg yolk are mixed evenly, then poured into a pan with oil paper, and baked i...
