Healthy and low-fat onion soda cookies

Soda biscuits used to be a favorite of many, and it was a pleasure to eat a soda biscuit as a child, so I had a special feeling for it.I've been wanting to try the recipe for onion oil soda for a while now.Today it's finally done, but it's been improved in the process, it feels better, share it with everyone. ...


I'm going to make a cake.

It's easy to make, it's salty, it's crispy, it's easy to make, it's easy to make, it's easy to make, it's easy to make....


Oatmeal cake

Pour vegetable oil and eggs into the bowl
Pour into the red sugar and white sugar, stir thoroughly and evenly (but d...


Red sugar almond cookies

This fragrant red sugar cookie is perfect for us women.Red sugar is unrefined raw sugar that retains more vitamins and minerals.Red sugar contains carotenoids, nucleic acids, nicotinic acids, amino acids, and glucose, which have antioxidant and protective effects on skin cells.Red sugar also has a magical sweetness component that has a powerful interpretation function, which can remove excess melanin from the skin layer and play a role in skin care. ...


Oatmeal and sesame cartoon cookies

Oats are healthy, sesame is a treasure, everything is a baby!...


Small nuts

Walnuts crushed in the cooking machine
This is a crushed walnut.
Beat an egg in a bowl, add a little lemon juice...


Margaret's hand-printed cookie is a handmade cookie.

I like its name - Margaret....


Vegetable oil jam and biscuits

Today, when this cookie came out of the oven, I was so happy that it could taste so good with only vegetable oil.It's delicious, it's crisp, and it doesn't have to be stuck.Add the sweet and sour strawberry sauce, and it tastes even better.The most important thing is that the recipe is healthier, and even if the greedy eat a few more pieces, they don't feel strong guilt.Ingredients: (a total of 13 biscuits) low-fiber flour 100 grams (80 grams of flour, 20 grams of cornstarch) coconut oil 30 grams of white sugar 20 ...


Salted potato pie

The material is ready.
Peeling of potatoes
Cut into small pieces and boil in clean water for ten minutes


Margaret's cookies

I especially like Margaret's cookies, but I don't like them to be too sweet, even if the ordinary Margaret's square passes through my hands, it will improve.Usually salted butter is used, then the amount of sugar is reduced by half, such cookies are slightly sweet, slightly salty, very fragrant, and do not feel acidic in the mouth after eating. ...


Black rice and crispy cakes

Biscotti, both Italian crisp pastries, explained in Italian as meaning to be baked twice.Biscotti has been around for centuries.Unlike ordinary biscuits, biscuits are first baked after the dough has grown into strips, then sliced into slices and baked a second time, baked into crispy hard biscuits.Due to this special baking method, all the moisture in the biscuits can be dried, turned into non-perishable and long-lasting food, so Biscotti was the best choice for seafaring in the early days, and long voyages were ca...


Oatmeal crackers

The shape of this oatmeal crisp comes from thin gray.I don't have low flour, so I use plain flour and cornstarch in a 4:1 ratio, and it works well.The biscuits are very crisp, but they're a little too sweet for my family, so I'll have to cut back next time.A friend who likes sweets does it according to this amount. ...
