Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh is my favorite cartoon doll, a yellow bear in a little red coat, who likes to eat honey, and is always so cute and helpful.Winnie is a cute little bear, and Winnie cares most about his friends and their happiness and feelings, and there is no better friend than Winnie the Pooh.Winnie can never eat enough honey, and likes to put all the little things in her hand in her mouth and suck them to comfort her big belly, which is always grumbling.This profile above is a general evaluation of Vinnie.I hadn't...


Cake made from soybeans

It is a well-known medicine and nourishment, and Chinese medicine has long been known for its healing properties.The outline of the book is as follows:Soy sauce is always very varied, with everything, today add some soybeans, turn ordinary soy sauce into healthy soy sauce. ...


Cake rolls

Prepare the ingredients.
Egg yolk separated from the egg yolk.
Add 20 grams of sugar, milk, and sesame oil to th...


Lemon cake

The faint scent of lemon surrounded the taste buds, liking this subtle feeling, giving one the impulse to want to bite a big mouth, and then the delicate feeling. ...


Banana cake

The thick, natural banana flavor pops up as soon as you bite into the cake, and the soft cake, combined with the toughness of the coconut silk, creates a rich flavor that only requires a cup of black coffee to be perfect. ...


Red bean butter sandwiches

Preparation of materials
Two basins without oil or water, separate the egg yolk and the egg yolk.
The egg yolk i...


8 inch cakes

I like the delicate, fluffy flavor of the cake, whether it's for breakfast or afternoon tea. ...


Durian cakes

I used to make a lot of durian desserts, and then I preferred durian, and I trained a little white mouse that I also loved, so I loved all kinds of durian dishes, and this durian soup is just as delicious and soft.17 cm cake mould on 175°C for 40 minutes...


Street painted cake rolls

Occasionally, I make a colorful cake roll and play with the two children in the family.It's very exciting to put your favorite drawing on a cake roll, although it's a bit of a hassle, but it's a lot of fun! This flying cake roll needs five colors, so it's more of a hassle....


Joba paints a roll of cake

I've done this kind of cake roll many times, and each time I've changed the soup instead of the medicine, the square and the method of operation are basically the same, the only difference is the pattern on the cake roll. It's not the cake itself that motivates me to do this kind of cartoon cake roll, but the cartoon character on top....


Original flavored cake

It's a cake that everyone loves to eat, it's soft and soft! My family likes to eat it in small slices with jam!...


Sponge cake in a paper cup

The sponge cake entrance is soft, the egg flavor is thick, and I prefer the taste of the sponge cake to the sponge cake.Due to the addition of water, the sponge cake is more moist and soft, the sponge does not scatter and does not dry.It's not the lightness of the cake, it's the feel of the cake.The elasticity of this cake is also excellent, and it's worth having in your mouth. ...
