Chocolate cookies

Butter melted at room temperature and mixed with white sugar
Add the boiled eggs twice, mixing them completely each ...


Chocolate beans and biscuits

The butter is softened at room temperature and the egg juice is poured twice into the butter.
Add sugar, sugar, coco...


Okinawan black sugar and cardamom cookies

My wife, please hurry up. ...


The popularity of cookie milk cups

The latest work of the great pastry chef Dominique Ansel, Milk-and-Cookie Shots, has once again driven New Yorkers crazy, with people lining up for an hour to buy two for breakfast.In fact, we can do it ourselves....


The Gingerbread House

To make a gingerbread house, you first have to design it, of course, and draw the gingerbread house in your mind.


Gingerbread for Christmas

Put all the ingredients in the bowl to make the gingerbread.
Mix by hand and knead into a dough.
When the dough ...


Chocolate chip cookies

Most of the cookies are delicious, quick and easy to make.They also have a bigger advantage, which is that they are resistant to storage.Freshly baked biscuits, cooled and placed in a freezer, they will stubbornly retain their flavor for a long time, without changing in the slightest.Especially butter cookies, the smell of butter that comes out every time you open the box is always delicious.So, when inviting guests to swimming parties and other occasions, handmade cookies are just as stubbornly part of my recipe a...


Red sugar almond cookies

Butter melted at room temperature;
Red sugar is finely ground;
Add red sugar to butter and use an electric egg b...


The oil-free recipe is a nut-shaped chocolate chip cookie.

Whole eggs, red sugar, white sugar and salt, put together in a bowl.
2 Use the egg beater slightly to turn it ...


Almond cocoa crackers

Cut the butter into small pieces and soften it at room temperature
Screening red sugar into softened butter


Tasty biscuits made from the leaves of the yew tree

First, put the recipe A in the container and start stirring.
In step 1, add formula B and mix evenly.
Re-add for...


Sweet potato biscuits

Toffee is a Western-style candy made with caramel or honey and cream, used as an appetizer with biscuits, caramel and cream fragrance intertwined, the feeling of intense passion is very great oh! This is a memory of the candy I used to eat as a child, long unforgettable, let's taste it together~...
