Red sugar walnut cookies

I found that there were still a lot of walnuts in the house, so I called the child's father to peel the walnuts, and then I found a bag of red sugar in the corner, and we made biscuits together, the walnuts were very fragrant, the red sugar was not very sweet, the baked biscuits were just right, the steps were the same as the cranberries, it was also simple, it was more tiring to peel the walnuts, I only peeled 70 grams for half a day, the people with walnuts saved this effort....


Red sugar bags

It's not difficult! The material is simple! And it's healthy and low in heat!!! It's perfect for watching TV and brushing your teeth....


Maple sugar oatmeal

The last time I saw oatmeal pie at Starbucks, it cost eight bucks a piece, so I thought I'd go home and make it myself, adding my favorite ingredients, especially maple syrup from Canada, which is delicious and nutritious. ...


Dried oatmeal cranberry cake

First of all, let me explain: the spoon that is used in the ingredients is the spoon that is used in the ingredients.


Gingerbread Quartet

Last Christmas, many people asked me not to make gingerbread again, but I was very busy at school and didn't do it, and then I promised everyone that I would make a gingerbread quartet when I went home for the holidays, and at the beginning of the new year, I just got home, and I started working immediately, probably two nights in a row!...


Oatmeal cranberry cake

Something sweet always cures my bad mood.Enjoy the whole baking process...


Quick-handed oatmeal red sugar cookies

Grains of oatmeal
The color of the dried fruit makes it look better, and the taste extends.
Red sugar slightly h...


Delicious peanut butter biscuits

In a medium-sized bowl, add flour, baking soda, baking soda, salt, and meatballs to mix evenly.
Put the butter and s...


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Weight of oats
Salt + baking soda + low-powder screening
Corn oil is gently stirred until slightly white, added ...


The Gingerbread House

It is said that at the time of the Crusades, ginger was an expensive imported spice, so it was only used on important holidays such as Christmas and Easter.Ginger is added to cake biscuits to add flavor and has a cooling effect.Over time, gingerbread became a snack associated with Christmas, with godfathers and godmothers sending gingerbread in various shapes to children on this day, or sneaking it into the children's anticipated socks.There is also a legend in the UK that unmarried women who eat gingerbread will m...


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Dukan's weight loss friends, my cookies are for the consolidation period, eat some oatmeal every day, it can help reduce the absorption of fat, it can also fill your stomach, it's good for health and weight loss....


Red sugar and cashew nuts

Step 1: Put the required red sugar in the preservative bag and crush the red sugar blocks with a doughnut stick for back...
