Cinnamon red sugar flower bread

The square is self-made, adapted from the base of a conventional 900 grams of bread in a bread machine, if there is a mine, it is a real coincidence. ...


Red sugar red date toast

It's said that dates are good for women, so I bought a box, and this time I put the bread in it, and I added the right amount of dates, and the bread was not as white as it used to be, but it tasted good, it tasted good, it tasted like dates and sugar, or it was a bigger one, the one I used to bake in the bread maker, a big one that was very soft. ...


Black beer and black oatmeal

Black beer + black wheat, the pure flavor of maize, makes one's teeth smell.I had some beer left at home, and I threw it away, and I had this idea, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag. ...


Energy toaster bags

Rice is rich in nutrients, rare in quantity, commonly known as caviar in grains, full of energy, healthy and natural food in winter...


Whole wheat bread

It is a grass seed with an unpolished, gray-black shell that contains extremely high nutritional content and is a rare health food that can be called the king of rice.Its rice grains are thin and chewy.Today's healthy whole wheat rice bread...


Apple and cinnamon rolls

I've eaten cinnamon bread in the U.S. before, and I especially like the taste, and I've heard that it's good for the body, so I made a square bread for the first time, and I didn't have a baking machine, so it might not be good, but this square bread tastes great!...


Fat-free whole wheat food pack

Because it's delicious, it's loved, the flour used for baking is delicious, the flour is delicate, it doesn't need to be...


Snowflakes and walnuts

It's full of sprouts and walnuts, it's delicious, it's crispy, it's soft, it's sweet, it's full of chewing, it can't stop, it really can't stop. ...


Natural yeast wines

Preparation: The day before baking, the nuts are sliced and prepared, the raisins are sliced and dried, and the raisins ...


Red sugar walnut bread

Chinese-made walnut bread, soft in taste.Because of the red sugar, it smells very strong, it's a nutritious bread!...


Cinnamon red candy dry bread

This is the second time in a row that this bread has been made with cinnamon powder and brown sugar and butter filling, and I especially like this richly scented filling, which is delicious, with raisins and dried cranberries, with an extra flavor of fruit, a flowery bread like a braid. ...


Whole wheat bread

Preparing materials
Yeast flour, salt, and sugar dissolved in warm water
Dissolved yeast flour, salt, and sugar ...
