Red sugar dates

Red sugar dates are a good source of oxygen and blood, as the saying goes: medicine is better than food.Use them rationally for three meals a day, and eat healthy.Red sugar red date braid bag, special love, for special you, let's eat out healthy red color ...


Black and soft tea

Compared to the legal stick, the soft European organization is delicate, rich in materials, and belongs to the higher-quality European package.I added black tea, proper red sugar and raisins to make it taste richer.In fact, the nutritional value of tea consists of both water-soluble and lipid-soluble parts, the latter of which is insoluble in water, no matter how many times it is drunk, it will always remain in the tea.Therefore, only drinking tea can better absorb the nutrients of tea leaves.Red tea is good for th...


Sesame and walnut toast

My mother said that this kind of bread is healthier, and when I came home, she gave me a lot of sesame, so I thought I'd make a sesame bread. ...


Friend - Whole Wheat Red Sugar Round and Soft

I really love this bread, and I'm going to make it again in a while, and I hope you all like it.The square is Mr. Kim Dawan's. ...


Whole-wheat red sugar wheat bread

Dried with hot water bubbles for about 20 minutes, dried with cook's paper, heated with 120 grams of water and melted in...


Carrot and pumpkin bread rolls

A very, very tasty loaf of bread, I couldn't wait to get out of the oven and eat one, I just remembered to take a picture when I was about to take another one, oh pain, I took a picture with my mouth full, quickly destroyed two and was relieved, hurry up and upload the practice, it's not good to share!...


Red sugar crown bread

Making bread with the child, letting her read the weight, letting her stir the dough, growing in her studies.Red sugar bread has a special flavor. ...


Chestnut cocoa snowflake bread

All other ingredients, except chestnut paste and butter, are put into the packing machine, selected once for the dough p...


Pumpkin bread - Halloween is here

Now that the baking has begun, how can this add color to Halloween?Pumpkin bread is eye-pleasing, edible and nutritious...


Red sugar coconut bread

I was lucky enough to get a sample of the ancient red sugar from the forest.In addition to cooking sugar water, it is also used to make red sugar coconut bread.The cabbage was cooked a few days ago.Just use it.Red sugar, low-calorie, high-nutrient coconut. ...


Red sugar whole wheat toast

Here's my sister's favorite red sugar whole wheat toast, with a little diamond dough, super sweet....


Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes

Wheat, commonly known as oil wheat, is a low-sugar, high-protein food.Its nutritional content is not only high, but also of good quality.But it has a hard texture and a bad taste, so it has not been popular for a long time.In modern times, its benefits have become known and it has become one of the most popular foods among modern people.The skin of buckwheat is the outermost layer of buckwheat and is a by-product of the processing of buckwheat flour.However, it contains more than 95% of the water-soluble fiber in b...
