Cup of carrot cake

10 cups of cake...


Walnut cake

It is also known as the dragon's eye flesh, the ripe fruit of the dragon's eye.It contains a variety of nutrients, has a healthy mind and intellect, nourishes the heart, calms the mind, treats insomnia, amnesia, palpitations, etc.Red sugar has the effect of cooling the blood, warming the stomach, strengthening the spleen, relieving pain.Walnuts are known as the king of antioxidants, they replenish the brain, and they have extraordinary beauty effects.Combining the three, the nutrition and taste are quite good.This ...


Beer cake

A bottle of beer that no one drinks, it's been postponed for a long time.It's been waiting too long for this day.Your black beer cake has been replaced with regular beer.Because there's no black beer left.And when I got there, I found out that the wood had walnuts, and the spirit machine was working, and I put the walnuts on top, and it tasted different.I don't really like the taste of beer, I'm just very curious what a beer cake would taste like.I kept one, didn't pour the beer, tried it as soon as it cooled, as i...


Red sugar butter cake

Red sugar butter cake, using a lot of red sugar, and the combination of red sugar and butter is so delicious! Eat this cake, I'm sure you'll be amazed.The red sugar particles in the cake add a wonderful layer of flavor. ...


Cucumbers and dates

The other day, my grandmother said that she wanted to eat dates cake, so I went to the supermarket and bought some, and I thought that I should be more confident, so I looked for several versions of dates cake on the Internet, integrated the length of the houses, after several attempts and improvements, this time it was very successful. ...


Red sugar buds

I love the nutrition and flavor of red sugar, so for today's cake, I replaced some of the white sugar with red sugar and added wheat germ.Wheat germ is the organ of wheat germination and growth, rich in vitamins E, B1 and protein, and has a very high nutritional value, arguably the most nutritious part of the entire wheat.Regular consumption of wheat germ can have many benefits such as skin health, beauty, antioxidants, delaying aging, preventing cardiovascular diseases, anti-tumor, enhancing muscle immunity, and p...


"Fruit flipping cake"

First, the butter in the auxiliary is melted and applied to the bottom of the mold.
Then sprinkle it with red sugar ...


Sesame red sugar wine stew

It's a bunch of wine grains, I don't know how good they are.After sighing, I suddenly thought of making a stew, putting the last white sesame, and solving it together.In fact, it's just a matter of turning the muffins into steam.It is said that wine can make blood, and red sugar has the power to replenish blood.The combination of the two is probably good for replenishing blood.The color of the red sugar is not particularly dark, and the color after steaming is much lighter than expected.It looks like a sticky rice ...


Muffins made from red grape juice

Another adaptation of Teacher Meng's red sugar rice cake.Similarly, replace the rice with wine grains and add the raisins.Grapefruit is said to be rich in iron and beneficial for iron-deficient anemia.If you add red sugar to the wine, these two traditional Chinese blood supplements, it's not a blood supplements cake, it looks good, it's colorful, it smells good, hurry up and eat it....


Banana and chocolate muffins

I bought some bananas the other day, but I didn't have time to eat them at home, so I took the opportunity to put them away for a few more days to make banana muffins, which used to be raw banana muffins, but this time I added chocolate beans, and found that they were better to eat. ...


Red wine muffins

This time the wine is still fully fermented, the rice grains are basically still in the state of glutinous rice, but the taste of fermentation has spilled out.Dig it out and make a blood-sweetened red wine muffin."Don't use a drop of oil, take it out of the mouth, don't touch the bottom of the pot, even the oil on the bottom of the pot is saved."I was also worried that the bottom of the pan without oil would be difficult to turn over, so I was careful to use a piece of dough to stand in front.When the bottom of the...


Chocolate cake with buttermilk

The reason I came up with this is because I really wanted to use up all the sour cream and cotton candy that was left over from the fridge, and I thought it would be nice to have a wet, sweet cake with a little bit of crispy cream on it, and baked walnuts would be really good....
