Barbie doll cake

I've always loved Barbie dolls, I always thought she was cute, beautiful and cute, so I love the Barbie doll series cake, Barbie doll cake is also beautiful, but Barbie dolls are a big project, wait for the time to challenge again!...


Thanksgiving cake

Thanksgiving was a very busy time, I attended two parties that day, I had lunch with my former colleagues, I opened three stoves, I had three kinds of soup, the food was abundant, we all ate and died.Going to a friend's house for turkey in the afternoon, every year Thanksgiving dinner is eaten at this friend's house, my friend's craftsmanship is very good, and he eats it, he always shouts to lose weight, how did he lose weight?My husband says they're twins, they're going to different places, it doesn't matter. ...


Rose cream cake

Have all the ingredients ready.
Egg yolk with 20 grams of sugar, oil, milk, and salt.
Stir evenly
Screening ...


Book cake

A mother is like a book, she needs you to taste it slowly, understand it slowly.Mother tirelessly educated us, paid for our youth, on this lively Mother's Day, give your mother a different surprise. ...


Christmas cake

Next week is Christmas, and my son's school is on vacation, and before the vacation, the school has a Christmas party, and the students exchange small gifts with each other.Today there was a party at my son's art school, and I prepared a small gift for his teacher and classmates, and I made a cake for them.It was supposed to be decorated with white chocolate, but I forgot to buy it when I was buying the materials, it's been raining a lot these days, I don't want to go out, I just decorated it with fruit. ...


New year's cake

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, LG took a week off.During the holidays, I went out to eat and play with my children, I haven't been out to travel for a long time, so this holiday is fully organized, skiing, zoos, museums and cruise ships, especially in the days of the cruise ships, everyone eats and drinks a lot, everyone weighs a few pounds, the cost is really big, ha ha... New Year's only for their own fun, they don't have time to celebrate with friends, they came back and made a big cake to celebrate...


Rose and Valentine's Day cake

Roses, representing romance and beauty, are always the protagonists of this most romantic festival.If you use roses for dessert, let the roses bloom all over the cake, and then give it to your beloved TA, what a surprise it will be when TA opens this loving gift.On this most romantic day, make a cake full of roses for the person you love. ...


Cotton candy cupcake

The head and horns of the lamb are made of chocolate, the head and horns of the lamb are made of chocolate, the head and horns of the lamb are made of chocolate, the head and horns of the lamb are made of chocolate....


Cream sandwiches

Yesterday I was passing by a famous West Point store, and all of a sudden I wanted to taste a new flavor, and I saw this little thing, 80 grams, selling for 6.5 yuan, and I bought a package, because it just looks like macaroni, although I'll make macaroni, but I want to taste the flavor of this thing, if it's good to eat, go home and make it, take a bite, soft, like a baked slightly dried macaroni cake, I'll make it instantly, this morning I woke up early, he made one for my beloved, the filling was slightly change...


Taste the macaroni

Of course, spring is also the best season for making macaroni, as the spring climate is dry and the surface of the macaroni is easy to peel.This is the key to Makaron's appearance in a beautiful dress.I make raw macaroni, which is charming even without the filling.It's not as sweet as I thought.The two pieces are glued together, and the bite is very crisp.The crispy shell is moist and chewy inside.Macarons (also known as macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroons, macaroo...


Cherry cream cake

Beautiful cherry season, beautiful local cherries are on the market, its season is very short, so grab the last cherry season and combine it with dessert! Recently more enthusiastic about herbal flowers, today I tried a new one, adding a pink straight line is not a more beautiful point!...


Valentine's day cake

Roses, representing romance and beauty, are always the protagonists of this most romantic festival.If you use roses for dessert, let the roses bloom all over the cake, and then give it to your beloved TA, what a surprise it will be when TA opens this loving gift.On this most romantic day, make a cake full of roses for the person you love. ...
