French steak

Thick slices of beef, beaten with a knife on both sides, onion chops, tomato chops.
The beef is mixed with salt, fla...


Wine and shrimp

The choice of shrimp should not be too small, there are about 20 shrimp per kilogram.
Some of them can be removed by...


Thousand layers of cake

My friend's family sent me an electric cake when they bought the appliances, I didn't use it, I gave it back, I had a rich breakfast, my husband said that this is what really made it worthwhile, O ( ⁇ _ ⁇ ) O haha~...


Peanut butter

It's good for baking bread or eating noodles....


Thousand layers of cake

The flour is mixed with water and the fermentation powder is placed in a container to start the fermentation process up ...


Red roast beef

Red roast beef, key in the head.Main ingredients: Of course, beef jerky is the best, and the beef ribs are the best. Beef jerky is thin, thin, thin, and has flesh, and the taste is the best. Ingredients: I will add tomatoes in the head of the soup, to add freshness, to make the head of the soup fresh, with a slightly natural sour sweet taste.And a lot of tomato protein can neutralize the acidity and nutritional health of meat.This is a big feature....


Colorful tofu fan bags

Yesterday I didn't bring my lunch, so I went to a nearby restaurant and bought two bags of beans, one for two dollars, two fillings, one with radish silk and one with eggplant, and after eating the two bags, I felt very worthless, I felt like returning to the old society, there was no meat in the bag, no oil and no water.The only harvest is the desire of my baggage.In the morning, I sent my son back to the vegetable market to buy 10 dollars' worth of peanut butter, 2 dollars' worth of tofu, radishes made at home, a...


Eggs and yogurt cupcakes

The last muffin cake was a success, this week I tried to make a paper cup cake, the first time I did it, I wasn't particularly satisfied, next time I'll keep trying!...
