Tea and cranberry cookies

Following your teacher's recipe for making biscuits, I've been making cranberry biscuits, I haven't tried the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits yet. Today, according to your teacher's recipe for nut butter biscuits, the nuts were replaced with cranberry dried biscuits, and the tea-flavored cranberry biscuits tasted very good, very spicy. ...


Peanut butter and cookies

This biscuit is easy to make and smells like peanut butter all the way through, making it a truly simple to bake biscuit.It's like the mud that we used to play with when we were kids, there's no expansion stage, there's no complete stage, there's no consideration of fermentation, there's no consideration of starting.Not only that, but the design is very simple....


Peanut butter and cream

Materials: low-fat flour 202 grams of starch 1 packet of starch granular peanut butter 3 tablespoons of starch eggs 1 ta...


Peanut butter and cookies

This peanut butter pie is based on my original recipe by adding roasted peanut butter instead of peanut oil, so the peanut flavor is super thick, slightly salty, and doesn't feel too sweet.Don't make the biscuits too big, it's better to eat them one by one. ...


Peanut butter and cookies

Preparation of materials
After the butter has melted, add the fine sugar, red sugar, and beat it with an egg beater ...


Peanut and chocolate cookies

It's a very simple cookie, not very fancy, but it tastes good, smells good....


Peanut butter and butter

It's a relatively simple cookie, and because of its simplicity, it's a popular cookie that almost everyone loves.A bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite....


Peanut butter and cookies

Today's peanut butter cookie is the same one I made a few days ago, and it's made from 100 handmade cookies from Teacher Yang Meng, and I've modified it a little bit, and it's made from protein, and I've made it from whole eggs.Teacher Meng's recipe is really good, I rarely fail to do it like her, I basically just occasionally add a little bit of sugar or oil to my taste, but the proportion of flour and so on has never moved, the finished taste is very good, basically the kind that you don't have to worry about, so...


Peanut cakes

I've made a few cookies, and it's finally a success, because before there were no electronic scales, so the materials were laid out casually, or there were electronic scales, but the steps were always wrong.This time, following the strict rules, we finally made a crisp, sweet, and peanut-flavored cookie. ...


Peanut cookies

100 grams of low-fat flour
50 grams of flour
Butter 65 g
After softening
10 g of chopped eggs
Add th...


Peanut butter cake

There's just enough protein left at home, and seeing that there's this recipe for 100 biscuits from Teacher Meng, as long as it's protein, use it all up -- it's a good kid not to waste.The result is very crisp and not too dry.The following is Mr. Meng's original recipe, because I made more and used four times as much.The amount in the recipe is about 20 grams. ...


The biscuits are delicious.

The main ingredients are: butter (soft at room temperature), low-fat flour, coconut jam (the kind of jam that is sold in...
