Microwave cupcakes

A nutritious, healthy and fun children's breakfast? A quiet afternoon tea for leisure time? Do you want to make your own snacks but don't want to put a pot pot pot pot pot oven mold? Then this fresh and simple microwave small cake will satisfy you...


Tea and honey cake

Today, my family made a sweet, sweet, sweet honey bean paste cake....


Chocolate popcorn cake

I made two kinds of cheese and chocolate, the only difference is the way it's cooked, and the next step is the way it's ...


Light cheese cake

This light cheese cake, was the main character of my Nobobo breakfast last Saturday, not only Nobobo loves to eat, our whole family loves to eat, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.This original recipe comes from the baking treasure, and because I've done it a few times, the amount I'm using here is enough to fit my two molds, and it's usually enough to make an elliptical cheesecake mold at home, about two-fifths of the amount of the recipe below, so do the math yourself. ...


Fresh lemon cake

Since adding the oven, I've fallen in love with dessert.The cake has a fresh lemon flavor, smells very fresh, and is not at all sour.Less than love, when it's sweet there's sadness, sadness is only because of bitterness......


The Three Colors of Madeline

Prepare all the ingredients and use a shovel to cut the lemon peel into pieces, add fine sugar, stir and marinate for 1 ...


Orange and lemon cake

Today is my birthday, although I'm not young, but I want to have a birthday, I'm not used to eating cakes bought outside, so today I'm going to make a birthday cake for myself! I don't like too messy cakes, so make a simple pure orange mousse cake, wish yourself a happy birthday!...


Banana cake

This cake is very low in fat, uses only a little vegetable oil, and doesn't have a lot of sugar.So this snack is very low in fat, and it's great for weight loss.And the bananas are added to the cake, and the baked cake has a strong aroma.The little ones love it. ...


Coconut cake

I don't have anything to do, I like to prepare snacks every night so that my children can come home from school every day to eat snacks, and then wait patiently for my dinner.Make a small cake with a cup of milk, the child will eat comfortably, and you will be more confident!...


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...


The golden cake

It is a moist-tasting, soft and moderately sweet cake that is ideal for the elderly and children.Its ingredients are readily available, and the egg-shaped approach, water-bath baking, has a high success rate.The cake will shrink after baking, and in general, the height of the cake paste determines the final height of the cake, so the cake tastes good, has a strong texture, and has the delicate feel of a cheesecake.Such a brick cake, enough for two adults to eat Oh! mold: positive square non-sticky mold 1 (six-inch ...


High success rate of cocoa sponge cake

Since I started baking, more than 90% of the cakes I've made have been sourdough cakes, because I love the fact that they taste as soft as clouds.Sponge cake is tried less and less, probably because of the problem of the method of preparation, the taste of the sponge cake made before does not match the name, the taste is really bad.Friends who have done it know that spreading whole eggs is a more laborious process, and often spreading them out of place causes the back to fade, affecting the final taste of the cake....
