Chocolate cake

Delicious and beautiful chocolate cake, children's tools.Have you eaten?...


Chocolate cake

Fat people and thin people who are afraid of cake are afraid of this snack, but we can make it ourselves! Healthy! Delicious!...


Dried grapes

"I didn't know what it was before, and then I went shopping, and I ate it at Starbucks, and it felt really good, just like we ate it when we were kids, and it was really good, and when I came back, I looked it up on the Internet, and I did it myself, and the first time I did it, it was successful, and it was a great holiday." ...


I can't stop eating pancakes.

I'm going to make a cranberry version of it, and you can replace it with other ingredients, and it's going to be delicious....


Dried grape cake

Every time I make a dessert, there's protein left over, and now there's a solution, and it's delicious and healthy, and it's great....


Corn on the cob

Cranberries: 1, pour milk into the bowl, 2, add vegetable oil, 3, add egg juice, stir evenly 4, mix the flour, butter, s...


Original flavored grape cakes

Prepare the above materials.
Put the eggs in the plate.
Add milk to the mixture
Sieve into the cake flour.


It's a small cake.

For the first time in my life, I made a small cake, and my daughter told me to add two pieces of tofu to it and decorate it, and it felt really good, and it tasted great, and the family said it was delicious, and it was really fulfilling!...


One minute of cute microwave cakes

The ingredients are also available, but there is a disadvantage: this cake can only be used as afternoon tea and breakfast for weight loss, it is not suitable for filling the stomach!...


Low-fat banana cake

Bananas are peeled, placed in a preservative bag, pressed into a mortar with a doughnut stick, mixed with flour and baki...


Cocoa and sponge cakes

During weight loss, you really want to eat when you see something high in energy....The energy bombs of the chocolate cake gods are making people tickle their hearts!...


Oil-free cakes

Not at all....
