The oven makes the cake.

Separate the whey from the yolk with a whey separator
First, blow the egg whites out of the blower, add a spoonful o...


Chocolate paper cup cake

Chocolate paper cup (adapted from Magnolia Bakery Cookbook) note: The following recipe makes seven medium paper cup cakes ...


Super simple coffee cake

First, pour the sesame oil and white sugar (friends who like honey can add some honey) into the container.
(My bowl ...


Chocolate cake in the microwave

Mix all the dry ingredients
Add all the moisture to the dry material and mix evenly.
Pour the dough into a cake ...


Baking a cake

The protein egg whites are separated, and the egg whites are frozen in an egg whiter until the egg whites do not flow ba...


Light cream strawberry layered cake

Cake slices, coated with whipped cream and strawberry sauce
Three layers of cake, two layers of stuffing!


Sugarless cakes

Egg whites and egg yolks in two containers
Add the right amount of olive oil to the egg yolk and stir evenly.


Durian green tea honey

When summer comes, I like to have a little fresh flavor, like this green tea cake, it's very good, plus my favorite durian cream, wow~ good taste! Oh! These durian cream creams are left over when making durian bubbles oh~ many people will ask, send the cream creams, don't finish, how to dispose of themI usually make a wooden cup or bake a 10-inch square cake, cut it into small squares, and then apply the leftover cream in the middle, how do you consume them?...


Doughnuts love small cakes

Mini cakes, the temptation you can never resist!...


Soft cocoa cake and sponge cake

This is exactly the amount of six medium-sized paper cups or 10 to 12 small paper cups - mixing 1 g of foam powder in low-strength foam can make the volume a little bigger, adding weight without adding super saving!...


Milk and muffins

The simplest quick breakfast, nutritious and healthy. ...


Shuffle cheese cake

You're my soufflé, which means you're a tough girl.I thought that the furnace could only sustain the feeling of expansion for a few minutes, but it's like that sentence, "If life is as it seems at first glance, then it collapses quickly".But we can still try to give people a taste of happiness even if life is no longer full.So we're not just making a plain egg-and-milk shuffle, mixed with fresh cheese and lemon juice, and when it's hot, it tastes like a cloud, and when it's cold, it tastes like a snow-covered chees...
