Chocolate cake with flavor

Sweet chocolate cake, thick chocolate flavor, thick thoughts.Vernon was away on business for a week when he made this cake......


Thousands of mangoes

Children's Day, make an easy and delicious cake for the older and younger children in the house....


Thousand layers of mango cake

Because of the first time, some steps were forgotten to take a picture, low starch, sugar powder, vanilla powder were si...


Cake of the wind

Prepare all the ingredients
Protein egg yolk isolate
Add 30 grams of powdered sugar to the egg yolk and stir eve...


Chocolate cake

After-dinner dessert...


Blueberry light cheese cake

Preparation of materials
Blueberry powder is used as a backup.
15 grams of cornstarch and 25 grams of milk are m...


Pumpkin pie rolls

Pumpkin, there are many ways to eat it, mix it in the dough, cook it in the dish, the color and the taste are good.Today, I also dissolved the pumpkin in the cake roll, so that the older children who don't want to eat the pumpkin can taste the pumpkin cake. ...


The pineapple honey muffin cake

The thick pineapple flavor combined with the sweetness of the cake, the baked cake exudes the thick pineapple flavor, the taste, close your eyes and imagine it. ...


Strawberry cream cake

The fun of baking is not just about having fun, it's more about making sure that your family eats healthy, and that your family feels that you care.This strawberry cream cake is often found in bakeries outside, and it's not hard to make it at home.It's worth a try....


Peanut butter rolls

For the first time, I made a colored cake, making the simplest round cake roll, using a small square of four rolls. ...


Castor cherry cake

2015 everyone is a gourmet, it's an honor to win the baking rookie award, to get the Haier baked dolphin smart oven home...From a novice baker to now being able to bake delicious food for my family, it's been a bit of a failure, but the encouragement of the gourmets has given me a lot of confidence, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity given by Big Cook and Haier Group....The Heidelberg Smart Oven, whose opening is reflected in the blinds, is an atmospheric black case, gray handle, and clear glass door. ...


Shuffle cheese cake

This is a very light and delicate cheese cake, with a fresher taste and slightly lower calories than heavy cheese.This square is made from chickpeas followed by small chickpeas for baking chickpeas, suitable for 7 inch round shapes.I made a six-inch round mold, and a four-inch heart-shaped mold. ...
