Rose milk curd

Flour screening reserves
All the materials are good, convenient and easy to use!
That's what I cut.
The butt...


Flipping the carrot apple

When I saw that there was a caramel apple cake in the 100 small cakes of Mr. Yang Meng, it looked so delicious, so I changed the recipe and changed the butter to yogurt!...


Sheep's horn

It's very simple, and newcomers can try it. ...


Pumpkin cup cake

And on Halloween, make a healthy and delicious cupcake for the kids.This square provides enough to make six cupcakes. ...


Two-colored flowers

Add salt, sugar, and baking powder to the flour and stir evenly.
Open the dough, add the eggs and water, and knead i...


Black beans and egg yolks

I used a bread maker to knead the skin, and when I made it, I added 15 grams of sugar, which I forgot to write in the re...


Provençal stew

All vegetables are cut into large pieces.
Put two tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan, put onions and eggplants i...


The potato chips are delicious.

Potatoes are peeled and then sifted.
Onions cut into silk.
Add a little oil to the pan, put the onions in the pa...
