Sweet cheese bags

Is it worth it for a husband to work all night to eat a loaf of bread? It's worth it to see his daughter eat a loaf of bread!...


Small bread with cheese and milk

Add flour, milk, sugar, and yeast to the container, stir, mix, seal with a preservative film, refrigerate and refrigerat...


Milk and butter bread

In my recipe, there's a way to make yogurt....


Zero base bread maker - tofu and sandwiches

All the ingredients are ready to go, so that you don't have to worry when you need them.
The remaining ingredients a...


Japanese flavored milk bread

Copying the square of the netizen, slightly improved, the square is an eight-inch mold....


Dried almond bread rolls

After learning to knit the braid, there is room for self-improvement, this cake requires more strict requirements for the fermentation process of the bread and the proportion of moisture, if it is too soft, it cannot be shaped, causing the braid to collapse, so more practice is needed. ...


Learning to make sponge bags

High-fiber flour is the best for bread, it can also be made with plain flour, but it seems that there may be a differenc...


Bread and butter

Since the old dough has been fermented once, every time the bread is made, 100 g of fermented dough is left, stored at 0 degrees for a week, because the bread process is simple but time-consuming, so it is made only once a week. ...


Flower bread

Except for sesame seeds, the ingredients are packed in a machine and kneaded into a smooth dough.
The dough is aerat...


Hams and rings

The ingredients, except for the ham and onions, are packed in a machine, kneaded into a smooth dough, and placed in a wa...


Embroidered bread

Put all the ingredients in the bread maker (leave a little bit of egg yolk on the surface) and knead into a smooth dough...


Hot dog bread

Put 140 grams of high-fiber flour, 75 grams of water, 20 grams of refined sugar, 10 grams of egg juice, 1/4 teaspoon of ...
