Egg and milk toast

This toast is made by my newly broken bread maker, and when the bread came out, I really didn't expect it to be so soft, the edges were especially thin, it was softer and thinner than the oven, the heat was uniform, and the color was moderate. ...


Bacon and onion breakfast pack

I've heard that at nine o'clock in the morning, the stomach automatically absorbs, and if you don't eat breakfast, there's no food in the stomach, so it has to absorb what's supposed to come out....So make sure you have breakfast.Even though it's a paragraph, it also shows the importance of eating breakfast.I used to have a lot of choices for breakfast in Shanghai, downstairs there was a small cage packed with raw fried chicken, curry, beef fan soup, Nanjing old duck soup, rice pudding, oil stool, glutinous rice, r...


Green lemon cookies with tea cookies

I've been thinking about this green lemon cookie for a long time, and the ingredients are very simple to prepare, and the key is the final composition, which is quite a test of patience and technique.Of course, I'll also show you how to make lovely tea cookies in a simple way.If you have time, try it....


The Cookie Flower

I've always loved biscuits, a very European biscuit, crisp, crisp, fragrant, is its characteristic, a box in the supermarket takes more than a hundred, on weekends you might want to make your own, when you're hungry come a few pieces, delicious and healthy snacks, you can make all kinds of your favorite flavors, tea, cocoa, raw, love how to boil how to boil, the key is how to boil all delicious haha.... ...


Chocolate and cranberry cookies

From making ordinary cranberry cookies to making chocolate-flavored cookies for snacks for the family!...


The cookie.

When I first started making it, it wasn't very tasty, but I gradually adjusted it to my family's tastes, and it tasted like butter!...


Sweet biscuits

The children usually want to eat a little snack, and after a week at school, they miss it.Make him some cookies and hope he eats them knowing that Mommy is thinking of him too. ...


Sikkim and Sikkim

Originating in the United Kingdom, it is made without the need for fermentation, so it is called quick bread.It is eaten with tea, which is the British tea.The baked sake is crispy, and after a day or two, it becomes soft. ...


Cream cakes in the mountains

Vanilla pods + sugar are thinned in a food processor, screened to remove the coarse particles, i.e. vanilla sugar reserv...


Almond crackers

Butter eggs are mixed in the blender (white), added to the eggs, mixed evenly, added to the high and low starch flour, q...


Almonds and cookies

Mix the butter and sugar powder together in the blender into a white liquid, add the eggs to stir evenly, add the high a...


Raw butter cookies

After learning how to make cookies, I tried several recipes, all of which were general.My colleague gave me the square she was looking for, and she said, "Okay".So I tried this method, the first plate was thinner, the second plate was thicker, the second plate was thicker, the effect was good! But no matter how big the fire is or how good it is, the taste and the taste are good! So write it down, do it next time!...
