Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation based on brie

Make the sponge head a day in advance: 50 g of natural yeast + 75 g of high-fiber flour + 85 g of water mixed into a dou...


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation 30% naked macronutrient

Twice as big at room temperature
Put it in the fridge for an hour, and the dough will obviously grow a lot.


Pure handmade milk bread

The first two days of baking bread, my daughter likes to eat it, but it has soy sauce in it, my daughter can only eat the skin, so this special bread for my daughter, there is no filling in it, and with milk and noodles, hopefully my daughter will like it (unfold)...


Chinese wine-brewed round bread

150 g of red wine cooked on a small fire until the alcohol evaporates, cooled and dried, California tea dried.


Tea and honey toast

The basic fermentation is done with a bread machine and dough, then various ingredients are added, such as honey beans, baked dough, etc. The shape is as desired, with the help of the mold, you can make all kinds of bread, no longer need to worry about the flour of a full table. ...


Ham and cheese bread

It is made from 20 grams of flour and 100 grams of water.
A procedure to put all the materials in the wrapping machi...


Whole black bread

Hegalon dry cleaned clean + walnut seeds, soaked in rum or other liquid for several hours.
All the ingredients are p...


Black sugar whole wheat grape bread

I'm in the last stages of my pregnancy, and my doctor advised me to eat less oil, less salt, less fat, more protein.High intake of cereals.Strict weight control and continuous blood sugar monitoring to prevent gestational diabetes.So I made myself this extra bread.The bread is low in oil, olive oil is also used; a little red sugar, and with the addition of whole wheat flour and dried fruit, it is very healthy and not too burdensome.So it's especially suitable for expectant mothers like me, elderly people, or people...


Q-bombs for small intestine bread

This bread is soft and tasty, the inside is snow-white, you can always eat two or three loaves at a time, my son loves it!...


Cabbage bread

Mix all the ingredients of the dough
Start with the dough, knead until the thin film is pulled out, then start ferme...


Uncle Lori's heart - the Count's milk tea bread

This bread is made with black tea, so it looks deep in color, it looks cool, it's like a big uncle, in fact, if you bite it, you'll know that it tastes really soft, it's just like a lily, the secret to the good taste of black tea bread is to choose the richly scented Earl's black tea, spread the spices slowly, bite it, the rich tea flavor mixes between the lips and releases the milk....


Walnut black glutinous rice whole wheat bread - thick, thick flavor

When I started high school, I was obsessed with whole-wheat bread, and every time I went to a bakery, even if I looked at all the different types of bread, I ended up with a whole-wheat square or a black-wheat bag.To love the fragrance of wheat, the pure, satisfying smell, to put the Buddha in the wheat fields of the golden autumn......
