Orange and lemon cake

At the end of October and the beginning of November, it's the season for the sale of pomegranates, and it's one of my favorite things to do with pomegranates.Because I love the clear smell of oranges, and I just looked at a West Point magazine in my country and abroad a while ago, and I hadn't seen the above recipe before, so I couldn't help but try it myself for a while, and it felt really good to eat a lot: the taste is light, the smell is charming. ...


Chocolate cake

The ingredients are ready, the jam is out of honey (40 grams)! The chocolate was cut by my husband... ha ha!
Send eg...


Birthday cake

Separate the egg yolk and protein and fill them separately in clean, oil-free, water-free containers.
The egg yolk i...


Cake with fire dragon fruit

I'm a little disappointed that the good red is gone, but it still tastes good. ...


Fruit of the Tree of Life

The other day I made a parsley soup with seeds, and the two little guys didn't like it.Today I removed the seeds and made them once, and not only did they taste good, but they made the most satisfying finished product I've ever made!...


A small cake of fire dragon mousse

Making a biscuit base: put the biscuits in a bag and grind them into flour with a doughnut stick.
Add the water-melt...


Fruit cake

Preparing food
After mixing bubble powder, soda powder and low powder, sieve
After softening the butter at room ...


Titus apple bread

Apples cut into small pieces and mixed evenly with lemon or orange juice.
Lemon juice can prevent apple discoloratio...


Dragon fruit and rose toast

The ingredients are placed in order in the wrapping bucket, salt and sugar are placed at each corner, a hole is drilled ...


I love cookies, they look easy to make.

The butter is melted, the sugar is added to the mixture, the egg juice is added in stages, and the mixture is stirred un...


Red sugar oatmeal cookies

Recently, the baby watched the oatmeal biscuits made by Mrs. Jemima in Peter Rabbit, he was always making noise, he couldn't resist his noise, he used your recipe, it tasted really good, the key is that the baby loves to eat.That's 16 pieces, and a grill is just enough to fill it.The amount I took in the picture is the amount of two plates, plus some prepared, taken to the kindergarten and shared with the children. ...


Cake of the wind

This is the summary of my countless experiments with the simplest and easiest to fail cake!...
