Red bean ice cream mooncakes

The powder is sifted and placed in a bowl, mixed with other materials.
Steamed in a pan for 30 minutes, removed, coo...


Cranberry handmade mooncakes

First, mix the white oil with water.
Mixed with rum and white beans.
Add the cream, stir the egg yolk evenly.


Lovely bread.

First, all the raw materials are ready for use.
The raw materials (except butter) are placed in the milling pot and ...


Tomato and cheese pie

First, the butter and sponge sugar are mixed until they are thin.
Add the eggs to the mixture evenly.
Add low-fa...


Egg and butter mooncakes

Put the egg yolk in a bowl, sprinkle it with a little white wine, bake it in the oven or steam it in a pot.
Egg yolk...


Chocolate cake with cream

The procedure is basically the same as the original, i.e. the whipped cream is slightly changed and some chocolate beans are sprinkled for baking.It's a simple little cake, stuffed with cream, sprinkled with chocolate, and then it suddenly grows tall.Every time I look at a plate of cake, it's very fulfilling. ...


Soy sauce

After 30 minutes of smoothing and loosening, the oilseed material is mixed evenly and divided into equal small clumps of...


A tribute to apple pie

After mixing the flour and salt, add a small amount of butter and grind it into granules, then add ice water and cool th...


Tea and chestnut rolls

The egg yolk is sweetened to a slightly whiter color, slightly larger in volume and thicker.
Add milk thistle, oil t...


Wine-stained rose cheese yogurt

The warm sunlight, climbing lazily into the window.A bite of rose tea, a bite of wine-stained rose cheese yogurt, a gentle bite of cheese yogurt, then a soft, soft rose with a slightly natural sweetness, the tip of the tongue with the fragrance of silk rum, and finally a crisp, fresh, layered pie with a coconut base!It smells of pale roses, it tastes of food, it's intoxicating! Life is so warm and happy!Today, we're going to make a wine-infused rose cheese yogurt pie to give our own bodies the necessary care in the...


Chocolate cheese.

Prepare the required materials.
First of all, make the chocolate peel.
After the butter is softened, fine sugar ...


Sweet fruit pie

Pie (also known as 排 ⁇ )Pie is a dessert made from two parts of pie filling and pie skin baked, with a unique flavor in various western spots.A good pie requires a properly adjusted pie filling, as well as a soft, crunchy pie skin, both of which, if adjusted improperly, will reduce the quality of the pie and lose its proper flavor. ...
