Milk bread

All dough ingredients except butter are poured into the wrapping machine and stirred for 20 minutes.
Add butter and ...


Tea and cheese bread

Due to lack of experience, the original team thought it was too much for the 450 grams of toast, so they split their claim into two parts.So... I got a big dwarf bread and a small fat bread. ...


Soup and onion bread

Soup, in baking, refers to the addition of flour to water and then heating it to make the starch paste, or adding hot water of different temperatures to the flour to make the starch paste.This paste is used in soups.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that the starch paste increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging and cater to the tastes of modern people. ...


Honey bean bread rolls

These days, I'm training with the little guy, and he's tired and I'm tired.I thought I'd have plenty of time to do my favorite baking when I went on vacation with him, but now I don't...I didn't even think about doing my homework, and the little guy had to do his homework all the time, otherwise he would have wasted his time playing games...Yesterday I finally had some time, but I didn't dare to go too far, and I ended up making a bread with a baking machine, but it was wrapped in the honeybees that we both love, a...


Heart-shaped bread

Before you open the oven, the coconut-scented bread stimulates the taste buds, and when the whole family tastes it and nods their heads in praise, especially when the bear cubs don't like it, you know that the DIY path is the right one. ...


Flower bean sandwiches

I've been suffering from a viral cold for the past two days, and I finally got rid of it yesterday.I've been jumping around all day today.After lunch, I asked her what she wanted to eat, and she said, "Bread".For me, who hadn't tried bread before, it was a difficult time.It turned out that my efforts were not in vain.My husband and daughter are so happy to eat, even the neighbors next door say it's good to eat, they can sell it in the supermarket! After hearing this, I was naturally furious, as long as I follow the...


Onion and cheese bread

I've been making sweet bread, sandwich bread, this time I've changed the taste, don't say that my son ate two in one breath and still wants to eat, the taste is really good.Baking, in fact, is the practice of many gastronomic masters to refer to, and your baking is relatively precise in the amount used, other references, will have some in and out, you have to do it twice more to control according to your own experience. ...


Bag of beans

It's also the family's favorite tofu sandwich, and when it's baked, the son sits next to the oven and says, "The smell of the bread makes him not want to be anywhere else".Although it takes hours to make a loaf of bread, seeing my family like this makes me love making my own bread.Don't be lazy, wait until you have plenty of time to enjoy the fun of hand-washing your face. ...


Purple and pineapple bags

Please enter the recipe description...


Sugar packaging

May every child grow up healthy and happy!...


Pumpkin flower bread

Two of my friends suddenly said that they hadn't eaten my pumpkin bread for a long time, it was delicious, and then I remembered that I hadn't done it for a long time, so the next day I bought a big sliced pumpkin, this time not a pumpkin toast, but a shaped one, made in the shape of a flower, the picture really didn't work, because I put more pumpkin filling, it was so yellow, it was so delicious!...


Doughnuts without oil

Throw all the ingredients except the butter into the bread maker's bucket, open it once and bake it.
Add butter at t...
