Black sugar bread

First put the caramel liquid material in the milk pot, cook it over medium heat to caramel color, take 25 grams and pour...


A cranberry snack pack that beginners prefer to use

The sour-sweet cranberries have always been one of my favorite dried fruits, cranberries contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and are rich in fructose, which can help remove toxins and excess fat from the body. Imported boxes are sold in large supermarkets, and online shopping is also very convenient.Since the bread maker broke down, I couldn't find anything to repair it, so I threw it away when I moved in, and now I mostly do it by hand, although it takes a long time, but it's fun.In addition to the simple shapi...


Flowered blueberry bread

Wrap the milk, egg juice, white sugar, and baking soda in a bucket, then add the high-strength powder, start a dough pro...


Purple bread

Preparing the Materials
The bread bucket is first put into the egg, milk, water, sugar and salt to be opened in a di...


Heart-shaped bread

In a bowl, add 70 grams of softened butter, rub the mixture evenly with your hand, add 40 grams of eggs, use a scraper, ...


Onion salad bread

All ingredients except onion, salad dressing, white sesame oil and butter are placed in a bowl, mixed with butter after ...


Coconut bread rolls

In addition to the butter, the material is placed in the container of the packaging machine, a kneading process is initi...


Ham and onion bread

All the ingredients are mixed together except for butter and salt.
After the group, they took it out and started rub...


Whole wheat bread

Preparing the Materials
Black gallon sliced
Wrap the milk, egg juice, white sugar, and salt in a bucket, then ad...


Iced pineapple oil

The bread virgin is dedicated to the pineapple bag.I've made a variety of biscuit cakes, but I've never had the courage to try bread, until I saw an educational video about pineapple cakes, and I decided to try it.It's a lot of work, it's a lot of sweat.But it's worth it to see the finished product, the grandmother ate it and said it's thicker than the one sold in the store.The disadvantage of this recipe is that the yeast is not selective, it is used with low sugar yeast suitable for hair, so it is not very good, ...


Cranberry bread

Except for salt and butter, all mixed together into a lump.
It's like rubbing the wrong clothes over and over again,...


Old-fashioned meatballs

Homemade bread, although healthier than bakery bread, ages more easily and is less durable because it is not modified.But there is also a remedy, which is to use old bread, or medium bread, or soup bread, and add these breads to the bread not only to make it taste softer, but also to make it more durable.Bread and meatballs are really good brothers, spread on the surface, in the middle, or stuffed like this today, all in harmony and delicious. ...
