Creamy meatballs

This bread looks simple, but it's not easy to make, especially the part about the dough.The book says that it takes about fifteen minutes to rub the dough until it is smooth and not sticky, and the skin can be stretched into a thin film that is not easy to break, which means that the dough has been rubbed.I've been rubbing my feet for almost fifty minutes, rubbing my little arms with acid, rubbing my side with violence, thinking that I'm going to lose weight, that I'm going to break a hole when I open the dough.Unt...


Tea bags and potatoes

Take 1/3 of warm milk, dissolve the yeast in it, wait for the yeast to be fully active, and the liquid surface will emer...


Hot dogs

All the dough material except the butter is stirred into a clump, and then the butter is added and the dough is stirred ...


Hot dogs and flower bread

All the dough material except the butter is stirred into a clump, and then the butter is added and the dough is stirred ...


Cheese and onion bread

Some days I don't make bread, mainly because it's cold, the dough takes too long to ferment, it takes too much time, often I start in the morning and don't finish until the afternoon, as if I've given it all day.That's why I've always been lazy.But instead of doing it, I spent the whole day flipping the book over and over, and this Sunday I finally decided to make bread again.This time I tried the Chinese method, the Chinese dough was fermented at night, I wrapped the dough in a preservative film and put it in the ...


Whole wheat health burgers

Since buying that big bag of whole wheat flour, all the baking has been about whole wheat. It's not just about making whole wheat sesame meal packages, using it to make hamburger embryos, getting up in the morning and stuffing it with all kinds of fillings like vegetables, cheese, eggs and ham, and squeezing a little bit of your favorite sauce like salad dressing, chili sauce, tomato sauce or chili sauce, that's your own specialty healthy hamburger!...


Whole wheat bread

After adding butter, all the dough material is kneaded to the expansion stage;
Double the base fermentation in a war...


Cinnamon and cinnamon rolls

Two people washed the fruit and dried the water.
First cut the cassava in half, then cut it into thin slices and put...


Corn and sesame bread

First, of course, the bread maker dries it, then you put an egg in it.
Add another bottle of yogurt.
The order o...


Egg and milk toast

I bought a bread maker for 20 days, and I baked two loaves of bread with it, mostly to make dough, and today I baked the whole process with a bread maker, and the big hot bread came out fresh from the oven. ...


Pure handmade bread

Making bread is the most time-consuming and physically demanding job in baking.I'm tired of kneading my own dough, but it's nice to see the dough getting soft in my hands, it's simple and pure!...


Old fashioned bread

The ingredients of the yeast head are mixed together evenly, fermented in a warm place until the dough expands and falls...
